Prayer Ministry

Prayer is a vital part of our spiritual walk with God, it is how we reach out to Him in times of trouble and times of thanksgiving.

ECC has a vision to pray for a powerful move of God, which impacts our communities and transforms our nation. We want to see people live in freedom and have a full life walking in their destiny. We believe this is so important hence in 2002 our Prayer Centre was setup. Since that time this has ensured that we are live 24hours a day, giving continuous prayer and having unbroken contact with God.  Now in 2022 we are transitioning into a House of Prayer, with a rhythm of night and day live intercession including our daily prayer meetings.

Prayer Meetings

Every member of our congregation and Christians from other churches are welcome and encouraged to join our meetings. These are also open to the general public, feel free to come and pray.

Our Prayer Meetings are a place where we intercede for our nation, revival and various needs of others.

Weekdays 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesdays 7.30pm – 8.30pm

All Night Prayer – Last Friday of the Month
10pm – 5am


Praying the Bible

Prayer Diary | Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Prayer Diary JULY 2024

Monday 1st July:

The Spirit of the Lord is on me”

  1. Father at the beginning of this month we take a moment to wait on your presence and as we wait begin to renew us we pray.

  2. We pray strengthen us for the task that you have ahead.

  3. Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit and make us a people who walk in step with you we pray.

  4. Lord, we pray that your spirit will not just be upon us but upon our church in a greater way.

  5. Let your presence be so strong with us that we will see your name glorified through signs and wonders.

Tuesday 2nd July:

1 Timothy 2:1-4 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

  1. Lord, we pray for our nation today, as we go to the election poles we pray that our nation will begin to listen and obey your commands once again.

  2. We pray for the men and women who are standing for parliament – for their protection this week and that your presence will be with them.

  3. We pray for those who are running for prime minister that the right party and the right person will be in power for the season our nation is in.

  4. We pray put people of peace in places of influence within our next government to help steer us in the right direction

  5. Father, we pray your kingdom come your will be done in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday 3rd July:

He has anointed me

  1. Holy Spirit anoint us afresh today. We thank you that you anoint our head with oil.

  2. We pray for our leaders today that you will anoint them afresh.

  3. Father we thank you that you anoint us for a purpose, help us to discover that purpose today.

  4. Jesus, as you anoint us today let that anointing spill into every area of our lives we pray.

Thursday 4th July:

Proclaim good news to the poor

  1. Jesus we pray that the gospel will continue to be preached in every church up and down our nation.

  2. Help us to be a people who continue to reach those who are forgotten in society we pray.

  3. Give us fresh ideas and strategies to reach into our community with your good news.

  4. Let us be your hands and feet we pray.

Friday 5th July:

Proclaim freedom for the prisoners

  1. Jesus we declare that this year will be a year of Freedom here at ECC. A year where those caught in addiction, spiritual strongholds will be released and set free.

  2. We pray for our inner healing team, that as they prepare to launch this vital ministry that we will see lives transformed by your spirit.

  3. Father we pray for those who are stuck in habitual sin that the cycle of sin will be destroyed today in Jesus’ name.

  4. Father we declare over ourselves and the people of God today, that he who the son sets free is free indeed.

Saturday 6th July:

Recovery of sight for the blind

  1. Father, open our spiritual eyes so we may see what you are doing in our midst.

  2. We pray for those who are blinded by other religions that you will open their eyes to the one true God.

  3. We pray today that we will enter into a season of physical healing in people’s bodies in Jesus’ name.

  4. We pray for those who are sick amongst us that you will heal them in the name of Jesus.

Sunday 7th July:

Set the oppressed free

  1. Lord, we pray for the persecuted church today that your peace and strength will continue to be with them.

  2. We pray for those who are experiencing opposition in life due to their faith that those who are oppressing them will come to know you.

  3. We come against every oppression of the enemy today and remind him that he was defeated at Calvary.

  4. For those who love money more than you, that you will set them free from that addiction today.

Monday 8th July:

Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

  1. We proclaim a year of jubilee here at ECC.

  2. A year where our debts are cancelled in Jesus’ name

  3. A year of restoration in every area of our lives

  4. A year where we continue to experience your presence and your favour.

Tuesday 9th July:

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoner and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

  1. Holy Spirit anoint our heads once again, that we may fulfil the plans that you have for us.

  2. Lord, we pray that you will help us to reach the least, the last and the lost with the Gospel and draw them into your kingdom.

  3. Father we proclaim freedom in the lives of individuals from the sin that entangles them.

  4. Lord, we pray that the rest of this year will be a year of signs and wonders where we see the recovery of sight.

  5. Father, we declare favour upon your people, your church and the City in Jesus’ name

Wednesday 10th July:

A crown of beauty instead of Ashes.

  1. Father we bring the areas of our lives that are desolate and broken and ask that you will breathe fresh life in them once again.

  2. We ask that the areas of our society that seem so far lost, that you will begin to redeem them once again.

  3. Let us see ourselves as you see us and see the beauty you have installed in us.

  4. Let us be a people who speak truth and life back into each other and our world in Jesus’ name.

Thursday 11th July:

Oil of joy instead of mourning

  1. Lord we pray for those who are broken hearted in our midst, that you will begin to bring healing.

  2. Father for those who have been stuck because of mourning, that you will begin to breathe life and comfort into them once again

  3. We pray that as we’ve mourned what was, we will begin to receive a joy of what will be.

  4. We declare over our church that we are entering into a season of Joy that we break strongholds.

Friday 12th July:

A garment of praise instead of despair.

  1. Lord let us not believe the report of the enemy that he is winning but let there be a sound of triumphant arise for the church.

  2. Let the praise of your people be the loudest voice as we give thanks for all that God is doing in our midst.

  3. Father let there be a sound arising up in ECC that we effect the city, nation and nations.

  4. As we wake up this morning we chose to put on a garment of praise and worship you for who you are.

Saturday 13th July:

They will be called oaks of righteousness a planting for the display of his splendour

  1. Father we pray that ECC will be seen as a pillar of righteousness in our city, and a place of stability and refuge.

  2. We pray that you will continue to plant people in our church who will advance your kingdom here in west London.

  3. We pray for those who are planted here that we will continue to be in one accord and mind

  4. Let everything we do, display your splendour we pray.

  5. We pray for finances for our church, to update our beautiful building and make it a place of splendour in the city.

Sunday 14th July:

Deuteronomy 31:8: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

  1. Lord, we thank you for the truth in this verse we pray that it will be realised today by your people.

  2. We pray go before us today in every situation that we are going to face.

  3. Father we pray today for those who need to know that you are with them, that you will draw near.

  4. We pray for those who are afraid, that you will give them courage today.

  5. Lord for those who are discouraged in our midst today we pray that you will strengthen them.

Monday15th July:

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 

  1. Today we thank you that our spirits cry out Abba Father, help us to fully understand that revelation today.

  2. As we wait on you reveal your truths to us as children of God.

  3. We ask for forgiveness for any moment that we have thought more highly of ourselves than we should have, as we know you resit the proud but give grace to the humble.

  4. Help us to have child-like faith in everything we do.

Tuesday 16th July:

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  1. Jesus we wait on you and ask you to breathe refreshing on us once again.

  2. Father reveal to us what ministries that you have grace upon, so that we may co-labour with you.

  3. Jesus let us be a church that is yoked to you and moving in the same direction as you are in every area of our church and lives.

  4. We bring all our burdens before you and ask you to carry them in this season we pray.

Wednesday 17th July:

Matthew 11:26  Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.

  1. Father today we declare that you are pleased with us.

  2. We wait in that revelation and allow it to transform us as we serve you today.

  3. Lord we pray come and do what you feel is pleasing amongst us today and in our lives.

  4. Let our worship to you be a pleasing sacrifice in Jesus’ name.

Thursday 18th July:

Matthew 11:27 All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

  1. Jesus today reveal the Father to us we pray.

  2. Father we pray for those who you are revealing your Son to, that we will help to reveal Him also.

  3. We pray for those in our lives who are far from you, that you will begin to move in them in a beautiful and real way.

  4. Jesus we pray for a fatherless generation that you will raise fathers to raise a generation who are in love with you.

Friday 19th July:

Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

  1. Jesus we come to you today with everything that is weighing us down, come and take it from us.

  2. Help us to be a people who fully trust you with every area of our lives.

  3. For those who are weary today of doing good, continue to strengthen them we pray.

  4. We pray that today we will minister/work from a place of rest as we serve you and serve the world.

Saturday 20th July:

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

  1. Father we bring all of our fears and worries to you today and ask if you will help to carry them on our behalf.

  2. Jesus, help us to be a people who learn from you, and your word making us more like you we pray.

  3. We know that you require a people who act justly, with love and mercy, and walk humbly before you; transform us into that type of people.

  4. Lord we pray for a supernatural rest for our souls today in Jesus’ name.

Sunday 21st July:

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  1. Jesus we trade our difficult yoke for your easy one.

  2. We trade our heavy burden for your light one.

  3. Help us to see where you are doing the heavy lifting and join in.

  4. We pray for those areas in our lives that seem difficult at this moment that you will bring peace and restoration.

Monday 22nd July:

Spiritual Breakthrough Prayer

  1. Lord, we ask for Spiritual breakthrough into deeper realms of faith, wisdom and intimacy with you.

  2. Revive the inner fire of devotion that has dimmed under strains of life.

  3. Fan into flame a fresh passion and zeal. Increase hunger and capacity for your Word and presence.

  4. Expand our territory. Enlarge our thoughts, vision, dreams to align with your Kingdom purposes.

  5. Open rivers of living water to flow through dry, barren places. Teach us mindfulness to walk in step with your Spirit always.

Tuesday 23rd July:

Prayer of Breakthrough and Open Doors

Revelation 3:7-8

  1. Father, we come to You today asking for Your breakthrough power and open doors to be manifested in our lives.

  2. Lord, if there are areas where we feel stuck or stagnant, unable to move forward despite our best efforts we ask that You would open doors for us that no person can shut.

  3. Supernaturally remove blockages, obstacles, and barriers that seem to be in our way, revealing Your wisdom and strategies for divine advancement.

  4. We declare that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and anything raised up in opposition to Your purpose and plan for our lives are rendered powerless in the name of Jesus.

  5. We take hold of Your strength to break through dry grounds and access the abundant life You have prepared for us. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to possess every promise You have given.

Wednesday 24th July:

Breakthrough prayer in trouble relationships

  1. Prince of peace, we ask for breakthrough in relationships fractured by conflict, misunderstanding, or offense.

  2. Soften hard hearts, giving wisdom, empathy, humility, and clarity to communicate.

  3. Expose blind spots. Heal old wound. Restore trust.

  4. Forgive our failures. Free us from pride that refuses to make amends.

  5. Lead us into openness, honesty and extending grace, remove barriers of resentment for lives now in Jesus’ name.

Thursday 25th July:

Breakthrough in Addiction

  1. Lord we ask for breakthrough in addictions that have imprisoned people.

  2. We know you can break the chains that leave people powerless and crying for help.

  3. Forgive double-mindedness, rebellion and indulging habits that grieve your heart.

  4. Grant an unwavering desire to walk free, fully relying on your strength.

  5. We believe you came to destroy the works of darkness and undo heavy burdens, do what we cannot do in our own strength.

Friday 26th July:

Ephesians 3:16-19:  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,  so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

  1. Lord, we pray you will strengthen our inner man today with your spirit.

  2. Father let your people be rooted in you today and let your love permeate into every area of their lives.

  3. Let us understand how big, wide and long your love is and convey that to others around us.

  4. Lord let us be filled with your Holy Spirit afresh today we pray.

  5. Father, we pray that people old and new, will continue to be rooted in ECC and continue to establish your kingdom here in West London.

Saturday 27th July:

Breakthrough in Healing

  1. Jehovah Rapha, we cry out for healing breakthrough for those who are struggling with sickness and pain.

  2. Touch their bodies with your sustaining hand, mending what medicine cannot diagnose or cure.

  3. Sustain us through the waiting, freeing us from hopelessness and discouragement.

  4. We thank you that nothing is beyond your power when we call on your name.

  5. We cling to your promise to restore health, heal wounds and renew strength, break afflictions’ hold with divine intervention we pray.

Sunday 28th July:

Breakthrough in Wisdom

  1. Father, we ask for wisdom and clarity where there is confusion, ambiguity, or lack of direction.

  2. Breakthrough the fog clouding my understanding and ability to plan.

  3. Reveal where the enemy has sown deception. Expose falsehood. Leading us into truth, discernment and heightened insight.

  4. Align our thoughts with your thoughts. We cry out for discernment and facts needed to make the right decision.

Monday 29th July:

Breakthrough with struggle of sin

  1. Father we long for breakthrough victory in habits and sins that entangle and entrap us.

  2. Bring us to the end of ourselves, no more excuses or double mindedness.

  3. Awaken in us a deep hatred of all that grieves your heart.

  4. Fill us with a hunger for your Word and your presence.

  5. We declare that sin will no longer be our master, because we are not under the law but under your grace.

Tuesday 30th July:

Breakthrough in fear

  1. Prince of peace, drive out the spirit of fear that imprisons minds in anguish and defeat.

  2. Break the chains of anxious thought entrapping people

  3. Set us free from intimidation and dread.

  4. Release hope and ability to live fully without shrinking back.

  5. You have not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control. Thank you that prefect love casts out all fear. Before you, darkness and light are both alike. No earthly horror can overpower a soul anchored in you.



Wednesday 31st July:

Breakthrough towards dreams

Almighty God, give me breakthrough in pursuing the dream you’ve placed in my heart. Revive passion, focus, and persevering belief that this vision can become reality. Keep me from impatience, doubt, or taking matters into my own hands. Guide me in your step-by-step process toward greater impact for your Kingdom. Thank you that no dream or calling from you will fail when I walk in step with your Spirit. Surround me with encouragers who fan the flames within me. Breakthrough every obstacle, barrier, stronghold holding me back. Let your purposes unfold. May your Kingdom come, and will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Lord, give us breakthrough in pursuing the dreams you’ve placed in our hearts.

  2. Revive passion, focus, and persevering belief that this vision becomes reality.

  3. Keep us from impatience, doubt, or taking matters into my own hands.

  4. Guide us in your step-by-step process towards greater impact for your kingdom.

  5. We pray that we will not be worried as our world shakes but pray peace over it today

  6. Lord, we pray that if anything needs to be removed for our lives that you will do it right now.

  7. Lord let us have the same compassion you have for us with the world in which we live we pray.

  8. Lord, we pray that our city will be a place of peace and that your people will bring peace wherever they go.

Prayer Diary JUNE 2024

THEME: How am I Building?

Saturday 1st June 1Peter 2:4

The Chosen Stone and His chosen people: Coming to Him as a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious.

  1. Heavenly Father, we are eternally grateful to you for your son Jesus Christ to be our chief Cornerstone although rejected by many.
  2. As living stones help us to hold tightly on to your teachings so that we will be firmly joined to you.
  3. Since we are no longer bound by past mistakes, sinful nature, or cultural identity keep us united by faith as living stones we pray.
  4. Lord, enable us to be sharpened and be transformed by God’s Word as we build each other up we pray.


Sunday 2nd June Hebrews 12:1-3

Lay aside sinful nature as a Chosen people.

  1. As your chosen, help us to lay aside any sinful nature that holds us back, but be holy just as you are holy we pray.
  2. As living stones, help us to live our lives in this world preparing to go home to be with our Father.
  3. So, Lord, as we offer up spiritual sacrifices to you daily let it be acceptable to you we pray.
  4. Help us to walk in obedience to you and hold on to your teaching in all we do O Lord.


Monday 3rd June 1Peter 4:8-9

Being filled with the love of Christ for one another.

1. As your chosen generation and royal priesthood cause everyone in the church to be filled with the love of Christ, as each find their respective calling as we grow together and individually we pray.
2. As your special people cause us always to praise you with one heart and mind being called out of darkness into your marvellous light we pray.
3. Give us wisdom not to allow any circumstance or attitude of our hearts and minds bring disunity into our fellowship we pray.
4. For any in the Church who may be out of fellowship with another believer, bring them to the place of reconciliation and to unite with heart and mind we pray.


 Tuesday 4th June John 15:16

Living stones and chosen to bear fruit.

1. As your chosen, cause our integrity to be a great witness to those we work with, those we meet regularly in our community, so that in time they ask why we act this way.

    2. Having the privilege of coming to Christ, let us continue with the heart of love stirred up in power to share the goodness of Christ we pray.
    3. Cause us to be faithful, active and alive in your Name. To always be generous with our words, attitudes and giving O Lord.

    4. Cause us to be filled with your Holy Spirit daily, to walk worthy of our calling we pray.

Wednesday 5th June Isaiah 28:1

Foundation stone.

1. Lord, as you are our foundation stone, we pray for our unsaved friends and families. As they hear your Word, soften their hearts to accept you as Lord and Saviour so they will become living stones.

    2. That their children and children’s children will harken unto your voice.
    3. Lord, we ask that you forgive them as they seek to find abundant life in you we pray.

    4. So that they in turn will find you and serve you in Spirit and in truth.

Thursday 6th June John 3:16

God’s foundation loves the world.

1. Building on God’s foundation we pray for neighbouring towns and cities who are yet to accept you as their Lord.

    2. Lead us Holy Spirit to those people whose hearts are ready to receive the seed of the gospel, so we may see a fruitful response.
    3. Father, we pray that none will stumble but will turn around in the appointed time.

    4. Help us Holy Spirit as we seek to point people to the cross and to the need for salvation in Christ.

Friday 7th June 1Peter 4:9

Build living for God’s glory…

1. Father we pray that all in our fellowship will rely on you and rise in power to share their faith and not stumble.

    2. We pray those in the church who have not yet grasped or understood your will for their lives, cause them to realise how important it is for them to do so and to change immediately.
    3. Cause your presence to be so strong amongst us Holy Spirit, that people are immediately convicted of sin.

    4. We pray that we will see many amongst us repenting and turning from their old way of life, to follow Christ.

Saturday 8th June Luke 8:16

Coming to Christ as living stones.

1. Cause our light to shine brightly in us so that others may see your good works and glorify you in heaven we pray.

    2. Cause us always to be thankful for our salvation in Christ.
    3. Cause our thankfulness for our salvation through faith in Christ to be translated into lives.

    4. So, we ask to move in us we pray and let your revival power sweep through this borough.

Sunday 9th June Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

1. Heavenly Father, we thank you for your invitation to the narrow gate, that leads us to eternal life in you we pray.

    2. Give us perseverance we pray as we journey, for there is no other way to heaven.
    3. Lord, increase our faith through trials and tribulation along the way, as we take heart to overcome because you overcame the world.

    4. Thelp us to put your interest above all other as we deny ourselves to follow you, we pray.

Monday 10th June 1Peter 1:25

Building on God’s Enduring Word.

1. Lord, help us hold on to your enduring word that brings life when we face challenges, knowing that you are our hope and our future.

    2. Cause us to realise that we must prioritise eternal values over worldly gains.
    3. Help us not to be pressured by worldly influence but to align our lives with Godly principles we pray.

    4. Cause us always to keep our eyes on the eternal reward, the abundant life promised in Jesus.

Tuesday 11th June Ephesians 4:2

As spiritual houses walk in unity.

1. As disciples help us to walk in unity with lowliness, gentleness and long suffering even as we share your gospel at work, helping those around us, the poor and needy, we pray.

    2. As we are being transformed from glory to glory, help us to exhibit the fruit of the spirit daily in our interaction with others.
    3. As we choose to live our lives in Christ may it have a lifelong impact on others around us we pray.

    4. Cause us to help not only those in the church but to help others along the way so by example they may choose the narrow gate that leads to eternal life.

Wednesday 12th June 2Peter 3: 9

Building on Gods will.

1. Help us to do your will oh God, rather than performance-based activities, as only those who do your will enter the Kingdom of heaven.

    2. Cause us to seek your wisdom and discernment as we walk steadfast in your ways and not to be haphazard in our Christian walk.
    3. Help us to take up our cross daily to follow you.

    4. Thank you Father, that you show us that your kingdom is not a visible or physical world, but it requires faith to enter it.

Thursday 13th June Iasiah 53:6

Building on prayer for the lost.

1. Father by the power of the Holy Spirit we now intercede on behalf of those in our communities, our boroughs, our cities who have not yet accepted you as Lord and Saviour.

    2. We pray for divine appointment to reach those in our workplace, those we meet as we travel, in school or wherever you may lead us.
    3. Lord, that they would choose you as their Lord and Saviour we pray.

    4. Lord, whatever the reason some may choose to enter the wide gate either through false religion, or merely rejecting you or believing many roads lead to heaven, we pray bring conviction in them.

Friday 14th June Ephesians 3:12

Bold Builders.

1. Father, give us boldness to take the gospel in all its power and the Holy Spirit to the people we pray.

    2. We pray for your anointing on everyone who are evangelising in the church and elsewhere.
    3. Father, send your revival that starts with us.

    4. Lord, help us to realise that unless your word is preached to the unsaved, they won’t believe.

Saturday 15th June Romans 10:15

Building and sharing the good news.

1. Lord open individual’s eyes to see the broad way, though easier to enter ultimately leads to destruction.

    2. Help us in our daily walk with you that we may be a blessing in order that we may bless others by sharing your word of salvation to them we pray.
    3. Lord, lead us to those who are on the broad road to destruction, we pray for a turnaround in their lives.

    4. Thank you for the feet that bring good news in your name.

Sunday 16th June Proverbs 11: 14-15

For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.  Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.

1. Raise up to influence, spiritual Leaders who can speak wise counsel into the lives of those who govern us we pray.

    2. We pray for the church of England that it’s unique place in our nation’s constitution would be used to influence our political leaders to seek and follow the wise ways of God.
    3. Have mercy on our nation that remains on a course that takes us far from you O God and turn us back to you we pray.

    4. Father, cause your church throughout our nation to rise up in power and become influential once more in making our nation’s laws.

Monday 17th June Matthew 7: 24-27

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like the foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

1. Heavenly Father, thank you for your word that points us to you who is the only foundation on which we can build our lives.

    2. As sons and daughters, Lord, enable us not to only hear your word but to build deep foundations by doing what your word says we pray.
    3. Cause your word to penetrate deep down into our souls, so our minds are renewed.

    4. Thus, enabling us to be transformed as wise builders we pray.

Tuesday 18th June Matthew 7:24

Build on Christ the rock.

1. Lord, we pray for grace to reach our communities and to build a zeal that will impact others to build on you first and don’t be foolish to build on sand such as world economy, government or gold and silver.

    2. Help individuals to realise that building on the solid rock, the chief cornerstone of Christ’s teaching enables to be better equipped to withstand the rain/life difficulties, challenges that may come their way.
    3. Father, in our daily travels bring individuals in our path so that we may point them to the message of the cross we pray.

    4. Father, cause us to build on prayers that can change atmosphere, hearts and speak hope to lives we pray.   

Wednesday 19th June 1Peter 5:6

Humble Builders!

1. Holy Spirit, we pray help us to exercise humility and not to seek to exalt ourselves above others.

    2. Let your love shine through us in all we do I pray.
    3. Lord, we pray that you would bring understanding to help those who build their lives on anything other than the solid rock who is Jesus Christ.

    4. In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit we decree and declare that you would raise up ECC as a holy church to get nations as an inheritance.

Thursday 20th June Matthew 26

Coming to Christ a living stone.

1. Father, Son and Holy Spirit cause only the reality of your word that offers complete security in this world, to sweep through our communities, our boroughs and nation we pray.

    2. Those who seem to seek riches, gold and silver, bring them to the understanding that these things won’t last, but they are shifting sand. We pray for understanding and wisdom.
    3. Instead help each one to store up treasures in heaven that will last.

    4. Father, give them wisdom to realise that only Jesus cannot be taken away.

Friday 21st June Matthew 5:24

Builders and hearer of the Word.

1. As hearers of your Word, Lord we pray for all our Pastors and their families at ECC right now in the name of Jesus that your fire will continue to burn brightly in them.

    2. Thank you for their faithfulness and obedience, as they oversee your church.  We pray discernment, wisdom and renewed strength as they lead and minister.
    3. Lord that your Holy Spirit will continue to direct your church as we seek your kingdom values we pray.

    4. We pray for the Elders and their families, as they continue to hold fast onto the teachings of Christ, who is the chief cornerstone and our master builder.

Saturday 22nd June John 8:14

Builders and salt of the earth.

1. As salt and light, we pray that you would help each of the men in the church to fulfil his full potential in you O God.

    2. We pray for all the women in our church that you would enable each one to develop into their full potential as a woman of God.
    3. We pray for all mothers in the church, that you would help them in their day-to-day problems that arise as they seek to raise their children in you O Lord.

    4. Father, we pray for the youth in our church, for their guidance and protection from the snares of the enemy.  Lord that you would hide them where the enemy cannot find them we pray.

Sunday 23rd June Luke 6:48

Praying for the Jews.

1. Lord as your word encourages us, we pray now for the peace of Jerusalem.

    2. Cause the veil to be lifted from their eyes, that they may see the truth that Jesus is indeed their Messiah O Lord.
    3. We pray for all who are today suffering in the Promised Land, both Jews and Arabs alike, to bring peace by knowing Jesus as their saviour.

    4. We pray that you would help all the Messianic Jews in Israel, who have accepted Christ as their Saviour.

Monday 24th June 1John 2:14

The young builders.

1. We pray that you would strengthen and bless all the young men in ECC, so they become outstanding examples for Christ to their peers.

    2. We pray that you would help encourage all the young women in the church to be great influencers to other women, so they desire to follow Jesus.
    3. Help all the young people of the church to stand strong in the Lord, and to resist all pressures of the world to conform to its ungodly ways.

    4. We pray that all the young children in the church would grow up not seeking to copy the ungodly ways of the current generation.

Tuesday 25th June Ezekiel 34: 13-16

Disciples and builders for Christ.

1. Pray for all our discipleship leaders in the church to be real servant hearted like you Lord.

    2. To follow your example on how to build and prioritise all the things we must do, so that our service to you will be of maximum effect.
    3. That our foundation is built so deep on your word that the wind and rain may fall, challenges may appear, but we will stand firm in you Father.

    4. May everything, we think and everything we do be done out of reverence for your O Lord.

Wednesday 26th June Ezekiel 33:10

Sins of the Nations.

1. Have mercy on this nation O Lord, which has turned so far from your ways and bring Godly change we pray.

    2. Cause our government to recognise the destructive nature to our society, our nation’s acts of godlessness and to bring strong leadership for Godly change.
    3. Break the scales over the eyes of the people of our nation O Lord and cause them to desire to see a change in the destructive selfishness that marks our society.

    4. Shake our nation O Lord in a way that will cause many to see the foolishness of rejecting the biblical values that so much of our nation’s heritage was built upon.

Thursday 27th June Ezekiel 36:5-7

As builders we lift the nations.

1. We pray for all the nations of Europe, that there will come from the people a rejection of godlessness and a great turning to Christ.

    2. We pray for all the nations of Africa, that revival will sweep through from the North, South, East and West and the nations will experience prosperity as they turn to you Father.
    3. We pray for all the nations of Asia, that they will see a great revival for Christ among the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and other religions.

    4. We pray for all the countries in north and south America, West Indies and other islands that there may be a great move of the Holy Spirit.

Friday 28th June

As builders we lift victims of war.

1. Lord we pray that there will be a halt on the war between Ukraine and Russia.

    2. We pray for mercy on all the innocent people who are the victims of war, and in their troubles they will turn to you for help.
    3. Cause all the children who are being made orphans to find you as their heavenly father O Lord.

    4. For those who have moved and gone to other cities or towns help them to find charitable organisations who would assist them.  Most of all save them for your kingdom I pray.

Saturday 29th June Acts 1:12-14

Praying people.

1. Lord, give us a passion to be people of prayer, who learn to pray without ceasing despite leading busy lives.

    2. We pray for a new move of your spirit in power in all our prayers meetings O Lord.
    3. Cause all manner of prayer requests by believers and non-believers alike are answered in response to the prayers of our intercessors.

    4. Lord, teach us the importance and need to be joined together constantly in prayer.

Sunday 30th June Acts 2:1-4

As builders, more of your Holy Spirit.

1. More of the Holy Spirit Lord, Send the fresh wind of your Holy Spirit amongst us once again.

    2. Breath upon us radically, shake us up, transform us and conform us into your image, we pray.
    3. Father, fill the whole church with your holy spirit so that all may have their prayer lives transformed by the gifts of speaking in tongues.
    4. Lord, distribute your spiritual gifts freely amongst all your people.  Holy spirit we pray may we use them profitably in accordance with your will.     

Prayer Diary May 2024

THEME: The Church and Christlikeness

Scripture reference: Romans 8:29, Galatians 2:20, Galatians 5: 22-25, Phil 1:6, Ephesians 4:15, and 2 Corinthians 3:18

Christlikeness is the combination of a life lived through the help of the Holy Spirit and Fruit producing the character of Christ in the believer. This is different from our personalities which can either be an extrovert or an introvert. Christlikeness is non-negotiable, it is we want to be transformed, please the Lord and defeat the flesh.


Wednesday 1st May (LOVE)

Israel: “…May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus”. (Romans 15:6)

  1. Lord, we pray for Israel and the different people groups in the land. Will you awaken them to the righteousness of Christ Jesus as they live, work, and share resources together.
  2. Lord, you are the I AM. We pray and stand with the body of Messiah in Israel (Arab and Jewish believers) that in this difficult time, they will through Christ manifest the fruit of genuine forgiveness and brotherly love.
  3. Lord, we pray for the people of Israel to have their mind set on the truth of Christ’s victory as they share their daily resources with each other.
  4. Lord, we ask for divine wisdom for the Israeli government as they make difficult decisions on hard matters and bind every demonic spirit of revenge, violence, and bloodshed.


Thursday 2nd May

“……. And who knows whether you have not come into the Kingdom for such a time like this?” (Esther 4:14)

  1. We pray that Christians in Parliament will arise in love and leadership with integrity as they serve the people of the UK.
  2. As we intercede for the UK government, political leaders, and advisers may God’s will and purpose for the Nation be done and not hindered by personal agendas or gain.
  3. O Lord, cause your ambassadors in government institutions and the marketplace to arise and live out their God-given authority and dominion mandate in this season.
  4. Lord, we refute the spirit of violence, death, lawlessness and chaos from our city and communities (Isaiah 60:18). We decree and declare salvation and praise to the atmosphere of the City of London and West London.
  5. Today, Londoners will go to the polls and vote for the next Mayor of London and London Assembly. Lord, we pray for your choice of leaders and may we be guided by the Holy Spirit in our choices. May many young adults participate in this civic duty for your Kingdom and glory (Romans 13:1).






Friday 3rd May


Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness……..” (Genesis 1:26)


  1. Father, thank you for the privilege of being made in your image and likeness. Help us to understand your plan and process of transformation to becoming like your Son, Jesus Christ.
  2. Father, we pray for godly attitudes, values, and character to be formed in us as we submit to the dealings of the Holy Spirit against our carnal nature.
  3. Father, we pray that our minds will be renewed through the power of the Word as we are exposed to reading or studying the Bible.
  4. Father, when the pressure gets more intense and we feel like giving up, help us to recognise that we are not alone, but you are with us as Godly life is being formed in us.
  5. Lord we cry out for our Nation’s awakening and revival as we push back this deep darkness.


Saturday 4th May


For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren (Romans 8:29)


  1. O Lord let your church become intentional in looking like you in Spirit and character.
  2. Lord may our intellect, emotions, relationships reflect godliness as we abide in you.
  3. Lord, the goal of our lives is to become like you. May we be willing to pay the price of transformation, even in our suffering, knowing that you are with us.
  4. Lord may the foundation of the new formation of our lives be LOVE.
  5. We invite the Holy Spirit’s presence and power over our capital as we break off every witchcraft and occultic shield from people’s lives.


Sunday 5th May


But we all………., with unveiled face………are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18).


  1. Holy Spirit, thank you for the process of sanctification which produces this godly character in us.
  2. Holy Spirit, we submit to the daily leadings and teachings of the Spirit which helps us to become more Christlike.
  3. Holy Spirit help us to cooperate with faith and obedience as we continue in our journey to transformation.
  4. Holy Spirit, as we step out in our weaknesses and fears to do the right thing, may we be confident that you are with us and working in and through us.


Monday 6th May


That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to deceitful lusts……..and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man” (Ephesians 4:22-24)


  1. Lord, help the body of Christ to let go of our old ways, conduct and habits to make room for the new Christlike qualities and behaviours.
  2. Lord, as we allow you to direct our thoughts and minds may we be transformed from the inside out, to soar to new heights.
  3. Lord, we chose to put on new and godly habits.
  4. Lord, help us to recognise those whom you have called to support us through this transformation period and work with them.



Tuesday 7th May

Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus……he humbled himself even to death on the cross” (Phil 2:5).

  1. As followers of Christ of all generations, we pray that our minds should always take a humble position as we learn to grow and serve the Lord and each other.
  2. As disciples of Christ in ECC, may we yield ourselves to obedience through our sufferings until we come to maturity.
  3. As the bride of Christ in ECC and our communities, we ask and submit to the Holy Spirit’s power which transforms us as we walk in love and care about others besides ourselves.
  4. As the army of God in West London, Holy Spirit help us to discern and war against anything that would hinder the move of God through us or in our spheres of influence. (Ephesians 6:12-18/2 Corinthians 3-5)
  5. Lord, as disciples are being raised here in ECC, may we all step out and be used as your instruments taking part in bringing in the harvest of souls and demonstrating the power of the Kingdom [Mark 16: 15,17-18].



Wednesday 8th May


Then he said to them, “Go your way ………for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)


  1. Lord, we thank you that your word when clearly understood produces joy in us. May we find joy even in the simplest things in our life.
  2. Lord, as we go through difficult circumstances, may we experience your joy as the Word is being spoken.
  3. May our lifestyle of joy bring numerous testimonies to those in our sphere of influence so that they will want to know more of Christ.
  4. Lord, we know how challenging our lives can be at times, may you remind us to be joyful in such circumstances, we pray.



Thursday 9th May (Ascension Day)


……”Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” [Acts 1:11].


  1. Abba, help us to realise that although Jesus is no longer on earth in person, He has given us His Spirit – The Holy Spirit in whom we live, move, and have our being.
  2. Holy Spirit as we wait in the Lord’s absence, cause us to remember that the same Spirit in Jesus is also in us. Empower us through the knowledge and power of the Spirit to become more like Jesus in victorious and triumphant living in all areas of life, work, and mission.
  3. Lord we ask you to keep the passion in our hearts burning as we look forward to the promise of Jesus.
  4. Today Lord, open our eyes and bring us into contact with new disciples in West London so we may bring them into the process of discipleship.
  5. Holy Spirit, we long for a fresh outpouring on us today.


Friday 10th May


Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering [Colossians 3:12]


  1. Father, as we walk with Christ, we pray for the fruit of kindness to manifest in our character as we interact with those who know and don’t know the Lord.
  2. Jesus El-Roi, the God who sees. We ask that we shall see and think of ourselves as you see us and not think less of ourselves.
  3. Holy Spirit cause us to be filled with patience as we wait for the Lord’s timing and not anxiously step out in fear.
  4. We pray that we will recognise the gentle guiding hand of God, as we wait for Him to move and act.


Saturday 11th May


That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lust [ Ephesians 4:22-23].


  1. Lord, we thank you that you don’t save us to remain the same. Holy Spirit, we pray for transformation into Christlikeness as we consistently apply the Word to our sinful behaviours and habits.
  2. Lord, raise in each of us a greater desire for righteous transformation, rather than wanting to remain the same because the price is too difficult or painful.
  3. O Lord, show us the areas you are dealing with in us, so we don’t resist you. Help us not to sabotage your work in us.
  4. Holy Spirit, we want to partner with you to hear, submit and obey to what you are doing in our lives and places of influence.


Sunday 12th May


And that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24]


  1. Lord, as an act of faith and in agreement with you, we put on the new man of kindness and brotherly love both spiritually and in the natural.
  2. Lord, we call forth the promise that we are new creations in Christ. Therefore, our characters are becoming Christlike and refuse anything that hinders this reality.
  3. Lord, as we step into various marketplaces in the city as believers, we pray the character of Christ in long-suffering and patience, will be manifested as we work in difficult circumstances.
  4. Holy Spirit, cause the body of Christ in West London to fully submit to the authority of the Spirit that brings change and transformation to our lives and communities.

Monday 13th May


Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” [Colossians 3:2-3]


  1. Holy Spirit because the new life of believers is now hidden with Christ, cause our minds to think Godly thoughts, ideas, and ways, rather than our fleshly desires.
  2. Lord, teach your body to cultivate a lifestyle of holiness and obedience to the Lord and His Kingdom purposes. May we walk in the power of the Kingdom to see transformation in our sphere of influence.
  3. Lord, we the spiritual family in ECC ask you to remove everything that would cause us to become weary or distracted while our lives are being transformed.
  4. Father when our minds get contaminated with worldly things and we say or do things that is not edifying, help us to run to you for cleansing. Thank you for the hiddenness of our lives as you work out your purposes in us.


Tuesday 14th May


But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him” [Colossians 3: 8-10]


  1. As new creations in Christ and in obedience to your word, Holy Spirit empower us to put on new attitudes of self-control, gentleness, patience, love etc as we spend time in your presence.
  2. Lord, we daily consecrate our mouth to you and ask that our words be purified to give life and not death. Cause us to be conscious of the power that is released when we agree with you and when we don’t. May our words create and build your Kingdom in our family, city, communities and anywhere else you may send us.
  3. Holy Spirit, we put off all traits of anger, wrath, slander, viciousness, spitefulness, hatred for others, backbiting, lying to self and others as we sanctify our lives to you.
  4. Holy Spirit, by your grace cause us to put on love, forgiveness, meekness, kindness and to walk in these virtues.


Wednesday 15th May


I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” [Galatians 2:20]


  1. We agree with the word that our old nature and self is dead. Help us to believe and walk in the victory that our current life is lived only through the power of Holy Spirit in us.
  2. Holy Spirit may our minds be renewed to the degree that we are constantly transformed into being Christlike.
  3. Abba, as disciples of Christ who live by His Spirit, cause us to become confident that we are being transformed even though we may not feel it nor see it.
  4. Thank you Holy Spirit for the power in the Word. Cause your word to take root in our lives.


Thursday 16th May


Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did” [1 John 2:16]


  1. Almighty God, help each of us to live fully committed and submitted lives without compromise as Jesus did.
  2. As believers in Christ bought for a price, we pray that our lives will bear witness of a real transforming life to others around us.
  3. Father, we break off any shame in areas of our character where we are falling short and empower us to keep trying and not give up.
  4. Holy Spirit, our desire is to fulfil the will of God in the power of the Spirit.


Friday 17th May


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit” [Romans 8:8]


  1. We pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the young adults in the UK church. May they desire to live more in the Spirit than the natural.
  2. Awaken family households in the UK church from comfort, slumber, and blindness so that we may ascend to the heavenly realms of revelation and power.
  3. Lord, show the different generations how to live in the Spirit. Help all age groups to give up control of ourselves that the Spirit may fill deep within us.
  4. O Lord, cause your church to know how to bow low (in all circumstances) so she can climb to the top in authority and praise.
  5. May you deliver and heal the next generation of teenagers and young adults as they commit to faithfully set their minds on following the Lord.



Saturday 18th May


……..though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered [Hebrews 5:8]


  1. Abba, your desire for all believers is to become like Jesus in image and character. As Jesus was the first fruit in everything including his suffering, will you teach us how to be obedient in our suffering for godliness and remain godly not bitter.
  2. Holy Spirit, may we know your presence and power as we trust you through the period of rejection or accusation, knowing it is a temporary situation.
  3. Holy Spirit help us to bear the pain of persecution from others because of our faith.
  4. Holy Spirit cause us to mature in love and obedience as we learn from our sufferings. We ask for grace to endure.










Sunday 19th May – Pentecost Sunday


On the day of Pentecost, all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting” [Acts 2:1-2]


  1. Holy God, as we gather today for our church services across the nations, we ask for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit on us. Do again what you’ve done before.
  2. Holy Spirit, we welcome you in our midst. Open our spiritual eyes so we may see from the heavenly perspective.
  3. Holy spirit, cause our ears to open and hear what you’re saying to your Church.
  4. Holy Spirit, touch our mouth that we might know how to speak words of comfort to those who are tired.
  5. Holy Spirit, send your Spirit and fire on sons and daughters across the church in the UK, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Raise up end-time reformers and revivalists of the gospel for your glory.


Monday 20th May


And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day” [Deuteronomy 8:18]


  1. Abba, thank you that you have a purpose for wealth and finances.
  2. We now pray for those you have called to be Kingdom financiers to understand their roles and responsibilities.
  3. We pray for the professionals and entrepreneurs whom God has anointed in the UK to arise, generate, and build for Kingdom purposes.
  4. Lord, raise up men and women who would stand as ambassadors for your Word in the marketplace.


Tuesday 21st May


Do not copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know God’s will for you, which is good, pleasing and perfect” [Romans 12: 2]


  1. Holy Spirit, bring to our awareness certain behaviours and customs of this world that is not in line with our new nature, so that we can deal with it.
  2. Heavenly Father as we spend time daily investing in reading, studying, meditating on the scriptures, and worship, give us the confidence to know that our minds will be transformed leading to behavioural change.
  3. Holy Spirit cleanse and deliver your church from any defilement, contamination, or resistance to change.
  4. Abba, we pray for anyone caught up in or is tempted by adultery, fornication, or any type of sexual sin, will you cause them to repent and turn back to you.
  5. Help your body to align with your heart so she can understand and know God’s will in all seasons and every situation.




Wednesday 22nd May


For you are called to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Jesus Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps” [1 Peter 2:21-23]


  1. Abba, thank you for the example we have in Jesus Christ who became a sin offering for us despite remaining sinless.
  2. Lord you created us for good works, so we ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to do them even though the process might be painful, or we suffer through it.
  3. Help us to agree with your word that we are called to do good and to believe that we will do good as we posture our heart for transformation through the Spirit and the Word.
  4. Help the church to be intentional in following Jesus’ lifestyle in commitment to the Father.
  5. Abba, as believers in West London and our communities cause our Christlike character to speak louder than our words for God’s glory.


Thursday 23rd May


Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God”. [1 Peter 4:1-2]


  1. Holy Spirit, we desperately need your help to live according to the will of God as Jesus did and not give in to the appetites of the flesh.
  2. Lord, we pray that we will lean in on the power of the Spirit for strength in our minds when we are faced with battles of the flesh or want to give up. (Ephesians 3:16)
  3. Holy Spirit, will you bring to our remembrance relevant scriptures as the sword to wield for victory during times of suffering, trials, or temptations.
  4. Holy Spirit, teach us to behold and embrace suffering as a pathway for maturity in character and purity in our souls. [James 1:12]
  5. We declare the victory of the blood over every situation that we are going through.


Friday 24th May


For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until…….and her salvation as a lamp that burns” [Isaiah 62:1]


  1. We pray for all inhabitants of Israel, who acknowledge God but have rejected Christ as their Saviour open their eyes to the truth of Yeshua who is clearly prophesied in the book of Isaiah.
  2. We pray for the Moslems, Druze, and the Palestinians of Israel to find salvation in Yeshua as the gospel is being preached.
  3. Lord, cause your church to continually seek the welfare of the church in Jerusalem until there is a breakthrough.
  4. We pray for the young generation of believers in Israel. May they be vessels used by the Holy Spirit in these times of war.
  5. We pray for unity between the Arab Christians and Messianic Jews as they work together serving the Muslim Arab communities in the North. Be a wall of fire around the borders of Israel as you promised.


Saturday 25th May


He shall enter into peace; they shall rest in their beds each one walking in his uprightness” [Isaiah 57:2]


  1. Thank you, Lord, that you are our Defender who protects and does not withhold anything good from those who walk with a right attitude. Help us to walk in divine favour daily.
  2. Make your light to shine in our hearts and mind, reflecting the glory of God to our family, friends, acquaintances, or those we come across in our community.
  3. Help your church to continually seek to please you rather than the opinions of men.
  4. Cause us to grow daily in the grace of Christ as we are being transformed into his likeness.


Sunday 26th May


“……… My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth ………nor your descendants’ descendants says the Lord.” [Isaiah 59:21]

  1. Lord, we ask for a great release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit working with the fruit of the Spirit in the life of your Church globally and locally that transforms the individual and community.
  2. As your Spirit is in us and on us, may we have the confidence to use these gifts in a way that brings glory to you always.
  3. We pray for those who are not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, may they continue to ask and not give up until it is poured out. May they discover the joy of persistent praying.
  4. Thank you, Lord, for the anointing of the Spirit. We ask for a daily infilling through us to flow to others around us.


Monday 27th May


The Gentiles shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising.” [Isaiah 60:3]


  1. O Lord, cause there to be an awakening of your Spirit over London and the British Isles.
  2. Lord, continue to light your fire in the hearts of Iranians and may it spread to other Middle Eastern Nations.
  3. We pray for your promised revival in Brazil so that the next generation will be equipped and empowered for Kingdom purposes.
  4. Jesus, you are the desire of the Nations. May the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our God and His Christ. As water covers the sea, may the Word of God run swiftly across the Nations and be glorified with a bountiful harvest of souls.


Tuesday 28th May


Then Peter said, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” [Acts 3:6]


  1. Holy Spirit as we go to Ealing Broadway today, cause us to be sensitive in hearing your voice. Lead us to speak prophetically, pray or bless others outside church building.
  2. Lord, open our spiritual eyes to offer healing to those who wouldn’t come into church.
  3. Lord, cause us to use every opportunity to share the Word pointing people to you.
  4. Lord, may we rise in boldness to do acts of kindness for others which glorifies you.
  5. As we go out today, help us to create time in loving the poor in a way that pleases you, Jesus.


Wednesday 29th May


This is Jacob, such is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face”. [Ps 24;6]


  1. Lord, we bind every spirit of fatherlessness in the lives of young people in the Nation and release spiritual fathers to come around them.
  2. We bind the spirit of suicide and hopelessness among men. Lord, you give life and life more abundantly. We decree a reversal of death to life, hopelessness to hope. Surround these men with a community of hope and love.
  3. We bind a sense of lacking identity. God, will you remind them that they are created in your image and likeness. Cause this now generation to fully know who they are in you and not be corrupted in their thinking. May they be affirmed and celebrated in their manhood as they are set apart for your use.
  4. Lord, guide, and lead those you’ve called into the ministry. May they be strengthened in their callings and giftings. Help them to overcome pride as they walk in humility and a servant heart leadership.


Thursday 30th May

“….And they are shepherds who cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his own gain, from his own territory”. [Isaiah 56:9-11]


  1. We pray for Rushi Sunak and national government; help them to govern with divine wisdom and not as men pleasers. Give them courage to speak out against double standards of justice and do the right thing.
  2. We recognise that our leaders may make covenants or agreements that are not in line with Your will which will cause the people to be adversely affected. Lord, have mercy, forgive, and deliver your people.
  3. May your ambassadors in government institutions be awakened and raise godly altars of prayer and worship in their offices to counter the darkness in those offices.
  4. We pray for a change of belief in our leader’s mindset. Raise up governmental intercessors across the UK and British Isles.
  5. Lord, as we confess the sins of the land, will your mercy prevail to hear, forgive, and heal spiritually, politically, economically, physically, socially and all other areas.


Friday 31st May

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” [Matthew 5:9-10]


  1. Cause us to remember, Lord, that you are the Prince of Peace and as we seek to be peacemakers, we are becoming more like the Son of God.
  2. O Lord, help us to learn the difference between a peacemaker and peacekeeper, and to always be the first to seek reconciliation.
  3. We pray for those who currently have issues with personal relationships, help them to actively seek restoration and to redeem what was broken.
  4. Holy Spirit, show us how to bring others in our sphere of influence to God through repentance and faith in Christ.
  5. We pray for the believers in the Middle East, may they live in the reality of being known as peacemakers for the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Diary April 2024


Leviticus 26:8; 1 Timothy 2:18; Acts 2:42; Acts 12:6-12

In Matthew 18:20, Jesus assures us that His presence will be with us each time we congregate to fellowship and pray. As a people of God therefore, it is important for us to realise that we invite and access the power of God when we gather together to pray.

Indeed, Leviticus 26:8 reminds us of the synergy derivable from such gathering: “Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand…”

There are numerous scriptural accounts where the corporate prayer of God’s people led to great miracles and great breakthroughs. (Esther, Jehoshaphat, Nehemiah are examples of these instances.)

In modern UK Church history, many recorded revivals started with believers joining together to pray the move of God’s Holy Spirit into fruition. (The Welsh revivals of 1859 and 1904, the Hebrides revival of 1949.)

This month, as we press into God’s presence in prayer, let us be intentional in our unity and conviction that regular corporate gatherings of God’s people in worship and prayer as depicted in the Book of Acts is a foundational value of our faith which results into God’s visitation and into many miracles.

Monday 1st April

  1. Lord, we come before you to repent of the times we have failed to join other brethren in prayer. Hear from heaven and forgive us. 1 John 1:9; Proverbs 28:13; 2 Samuel 12:13

  2. This first day of April, if we are to be fools at all, help us to become fools that reflect the wisdom of God; knowing that in Christ, though we are weak, yet we are strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10; 1 Corinthians 1:27

  3. You have called us into intimacy with yourself, help us also to know that we are called into a life of fellowship with other believers and so to strive constantly to follow the example of the early Church in gathering with other believers to pray. Acts 2:1; Romans 15:6; Acts 4:32

  4. Help us to be a people joining other believers in corporate prayer, knowing that our coming together in prayer achieves so much more than our individual efforts. Leviticus 26:8

Tuesday, 2nd April

  1. Lord, we thank you for the recent reminder at Easter that we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Help us to continuously live in the reality of our reconciliation and to strive to live a life close to you in prayer. Ephesians 1:7; Galatians 2:20

  2. Each time we meet in prayer, Lord, honour your Word, come amongst us and bring manifestations of your power in its various and diverse forms. Matthew 18:19-20; Matthew 7:7; John 15:7

  3. Lord, we pray for our local church, ECC, honour your Word over us, build your church and prevent the gates of hades from prevailing upon the ministry of the church. Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47

  4. As encouraged by Apostle Paul, let us as a people of ECC subject ourselves to the God-instituted and ordained leadership of this church such that we will give your Holy Spirit liberty and freedom to move amongst us and do that which you have in store for us. 1 Timothy 2:1–4; Romans 13:1

Wednesday, 3rd April

  1. Lord, help us to be mindful that we live in perilous times and to be mindful of the needs to constantly meet together to edify and encourage each other. Hebrews 10:25

  2. Help the Church in the UK to strive to live in repentance and in intercession, so that God honours His Word and heals our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  3. Lord, would you help us to be a people confident in faith, knowing that if we come together to ask you for things in your will, you hear us and will answer us in your perfect time. 1 John 5: 14-15

  4. As we go about obeying the Great Commission, we pray that we will not be ashamed but have the confidence to share the Gospel; knowing that it is the power of God at work to save everyone who believes. Matthew 20:19-20; Romans 1:16

Thursday, 4th April

  1. Though life is tough, and cost of living is high, Lord, we join our faith and our voice in latching onto the assurance that those who love you will not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:10

  2. Let your Shekinah glory so fill our corporate prayer gatherings with undeniable signs, wonders and miracles attracting people to you to seek your face. Ezekiel 43:5; 2 Chronicles 7:1

  3. And as we corporately seek your face, let every chain of oppression holding your people bound be broken in Jesus’ name. Acts 4:31; Acts 12:5-17

  4. Lord, as we become a people rooted in praying together, may we be carriers of your glory drawing the unsaved in our communities to your saving grace and an expectation that our very shadows will heal their sickness. Acts 5:15-16

Friday, 5th April

  1. Lord, thank you for your grace upon us; increase in us the Spirit of prayer; cause our hearts to always thirst for you and too long to join the brethren in constant prayer.

  2. Speak to your Church, equip your people for every good work, raise in us the passion for prayers. 2 Timothy 3:17

  3. We pray that we your consecrated people, who have made a covenant with you will yield to your call to constantly gather in fellowship and in prayer. Psalm 50:15

  4. Raise many up amongst us as to have a passion for prayer and for intercession so as to fulfil your mandate of watching over your flock and the people of our communities as well as raising up others for the same purpose. Ezekiel 33:7

Saturday, 6th April

  1. Lord, we cry out over our communities, that through us, people may come not just to have a knowledge of you, but to know you in intimate relationship and know the power of your resurrection. Philippians 3:10

  2. Give us a vision that speaks to the heart of who we are; a people passionate for soul-winning, called to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all around us; disciples with passion for disciple-making, committed to leading others to and rooting them deeply in Christ.

  3. Lord, we pray, set us apart for your glory and make us a reflection of your light in our dark world. John 15:5; Matthew 5:16

  4. Renew our commitment to praying, help us to place ourselves at the crossroad of the new things You want to do amongst us as we join hands and hearts in prayer.

Sunday, 7th April

  1. In your presence there is life and liberty; Lord, would you give your people, the collective freedom to worship you in Spirit and in truth today. 2 Corinthians 3:17; John 4:24

  2. As we quieten our spirit in solemn surrender to you today, Lord speak to us and captivate our mind for nothing else but for your glory. Psalm 119:11

  3. As we gather to worship you in Spirit and in truth, we pray for an extraordinary encounter; an encounter that saves lives and bring an abundance of your blessings.

  4. As Sabbath symbolises rest, help us today to find rest in you; perfect rest embedded in your peace that defies all understanding. Psalm 16:1-2; 7-11; Psalm 23; Psalm 127; Philippians 4:7

Monday, 8th April

  1. Lord of new beginnings, encourage our collective hearts this new week to start with a commitment to do your will, no matter what. Psalm 143:10

  2. Help us to recognise the need for a lifestyle which mirrors your righteousness and point others to Christ. John 14:6

  3. Help us to see that our calling is not only for the household of Christ but that we are called to bring the overflowing grace of God to bear on all that may come into contact with us, so that we may be a reflection of our Father here on earth. 2 Corinthians 9:12; 1 Corinthians 14:8

  4. Lord, help us to be committed to making everybody within the sphere of our influence a people ready for the Lord. Luke 1:17

Tuesday, 9th April

  1. Lord, you gave us an open invitation that when we gather in multiples in your name that you will be with us. We therefore welcome you amongst us today and pray that You will move in power as we gather to pray. Matthew 18:20; Zechariah 2:5; 1 Corinthians 5:4

  2. We ask for your protective cover over our local assembly, for your continuous provision and providence and for the grace to be light in the darkness of our world so that your church, ECC may continue to rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11

  3. You are our Father who has cattle on a thousand hills, we pray that you will continue to meet the needs of your children in this assembly such that we will be lenders and not borrowers and have sufficient for the work you have mandated us to do. Psalm 50:10; Philippians 4:19; Deuteronomy 15:6

  4. Let every prophetic Word over us as a church come to pass in our time such that our church will be known as the place where the Spirit of God is at work amongst the people. Isaiah 55:11

Wednesday, 10th April

  1. ECC is known for prayer, we pray that you will release a liberal portion of the spirit of prayer over the people of ECC such that we would rise in unison to gather constantly and pray. Zechariah 12:10; Joel 2:28-30

  2. Let there be a palpable presence of your Spirit in the house. We pray that ECC will be a place where hearts are collectively joined in unity to pray and not a place of bickering and division. Psalm 135:1; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 12:14

  3. Grant those saddled with the leadership of our Prayer Ministry in this church, a passion for prayer; may they be a people that earnestly seek your face in Spirit and in truth. 1 Chronicles 16:11; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 6:33

  4. We pray that praying will not be for the few in ECC but a passion for every believer that calls this church home.

Thursday, 11th April

  1. Lord, as the deer pants for water, cause our hearts to always long after intimacy with you. Psalm 42:1

  2. Help us not to be content with just knowing you more intimately but to be a people passionate with taking the good news outside of the four walls of ECC. Isaiah 55;4-5; Isaiah 55:12

  3. Open our eyes to understand the strategy of talking to God first about the people around us that need Christ before we talk to such people about Christ. Psalm 67:2; 2 Peter 3:9; Psalm 86:15

  4. Lord, grant us divine appointments amongst neighbours, members of our families and the people around us that need Christ and give us the confidence to speak boldly about Christ to them. Acts 8:26; Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 17:7; 1 John 5:14

Friday, 12th April

  1. Open our eyes to the plentiful harvest in Ealing, in West London and in our various communities. Give us the commitment we pray, to roll up our sleeves and get busy with the work of soul-winning and disciple-making which You have called us to. Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35

  2. We pray that your Church will not only devote herself to prayer but will refuse to compromise the preaching the true Word of God, unashamedly, in boldness and without apology, declaring Jesus to the world as the only hope for humanity. Colossians 4:2; 2 Timothy 4:2; Acts 4:12

  3. We pray over the nations of the UK and the various nations ECC people represent; in judgement Lord, remember mercy. Matthew 25:32-35; Habakkuk 3:2

  4. Righteousness the Bible says exalts a nation and sin a reproach; Lord we pray, let our nations be found with righteousness in our account before you. Proverbs 14:34

Saturday, 13th April

  1. The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Help us to recognise the power of synergy in coming together with other believers to pray. James 5:16; Joshua 23:10

  2. Like the sons of Issachar, help us Lord, to be alert to the signs of the times and to be conscious of what we must do as God’s people to maximise God’s glory in the darkness of our time. 1 Chronicles 12:32

  3. As we immerse ourselves in prayer, remove all fear from us so that we can be perfect in faith to walk in these perilous times, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Hebrews 12:2

  4. We pray, that you will open our hearts to your wisdom so that we can walk in understanding and be the source of hope for our world. Ephesians 1: 18-21

Sunday, 14th April

  1. Lord, we cry, be gracious to us and bless us; make your face to shine on us and help us to propagate your ways and your salvation. Psalm 67:1-2

  2. Lord, bring into our consciousness the way you moved over our land in past revivals; cause us to return to you in repentance so that you would revive us and heal our land. Psalm 107:19-20; 2 Chronicles 7:14

  3. Lord, through us and with us, let your righteousness exalt our nation. Proverbs 14:34a

  4. As we gather together constantly in worship and in praise of Your holy name, God, let our nations catch the fire of your Spirit and be glad even as they sing for joy as You redeem us. Psalm 67; 2 Timothy 1:6

Monday, 15th April

  1. Lord, create in me a clean heart, renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10; Ezekiel 11:19; Matthew 5:8

  2. Shake all that is shakeable within me; remove all that is impure and leave me only with that which is solid and cannot be shaken. Hebrews 12:26-27

  3. Help me to recognise that you are the vine and that I am but a branch; cause me to solidly abide in you, that I might continuously bear good fruit. John 15

  4. Lord, attune my ears to your Word and harken my heart to your instructions I pray. Proverbs 4:20-22; 1 Kings 11:38

Tuesday, 16th April

  1. Lord, help us in our commitment to making this house, a house of prayer we pray. Mark 11:17

  2. We pray that you will open our eyes to things in the house that may constitute setting up “a den of robbers” and give us the confidence to stop all things that may constitute a barrier to the move of your Holy Spirit amongst us. Songs of Solomon 2:15

  3. We pray that you would give us faith and the confidence to know that whatever we ask for in prayer, according to your will, that we will receive even before we have asked. Isaiah 65:24

  4. As we dig deep in prayer, honour your Word, answer us and show us great and unsearchable things which we do not yet know. Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, 17th April

  1. Lord, renew our minds with the things of the Spirit, renew our focus; prepare us as new wineskin into which new wine can be poured. Romans 12:2; Mark 2:22

  2. You are the potter, we are but clay; as we strive to be more like you, mould us in your image, a reflection of your glory. Isaiah 64:8; Ephesians 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:18

  3. Stir our hearts to cry out for understanding and to constantly turn our ears to Your wisdom so that it might be well with us. Proverbs 2

  4. Lord, we pray that our local assembly will stay true to your message and stay committed to prayer, whether it’s convenient or not. 2 Timothy 4:2; Colossians 4:2

Thursday, 18th April

  1. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in your way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

  2. Lord, fill me with your Spirit, expunge immorality, impurity and greed from my life so that my inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God can be assured. Ephesians 5:5

  3. Help me today to exude an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

  4. Let those that engage with me today not only experience the manifestation of the fruit of your Spirit but be drawn towards seeking you, the giver of all good gifts, in repentance and in salvation. James 1:17

Friday, 19th April

  1. Lord, we pray that your name will continue to be glorified in all things amongst us and the name of Christ be always exalted. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

  2. We give you the glory and honour for all that You’re doing in ECC, even in times that we can’t see it or understand your ways. Cause your light to continue to shine in us, such that we can continue to make a difference in our world, for your glory and for your purpose. Matthew 5:14-16

  3. We thank you that you are holy and just and that your ways and your thoughts are far greater than ours; help us not to follow after the voice of the crowd, but to press in close to you, to hear your whispers in our ears and seek after you and you alone. Isaiah 55:8-9

  4. Lord, we thank you that you came to give us new life, to give us peace, hope, joy and to fill us with the power of your Holy Spirit which is made perfect in our weakness. Help us to choose to trust you and to recognize the authority of who you are in our lives. Ephesians 3:16-19

Saturday, 20th April

  1. Help us to keep our eyes on you, so that we can follow your promptings and respond to your call to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Matthew 22:37-39

  2. Help us to see when other souls around us need to be encouraged; but not to just see, but to respond positively in love. Hebrews 13:16

  3. Lord, help us to be faithful in carrying one another’s burdens, and to remember that we are all in this life together, called to support each other as we sojourn through life. Galatians 6:2

  4. Thank you that our comfort abounds through Christ and that our greatest source of help and strength comes from you; that your Word assures us that You are close to the broken-hearted and save those who are crushed in spirit. Encourage us therefore, that though we face trouble and tribulation, we can be assured that we have victory because You have overcome. Psalm 34:18-19

Sunday, 21st April

  1. We recognise that the cattle on a thousand hills are yours. We recognise you as our Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides and that you know our needs before we even ask because you have a plan and provision for us. We pray for your abundant blessings for every need that weighs our hearts down and in your perfect timing. Psalm 50:10-12; Genesis 12:14; Jeremiah 29:11

  2. Lord, we thank you for your manifest blessings upon us as a church. We pray that you will continue to rain your provision upon us and that as you do, we will be faithful to give generously to those in need. Philippians 4:19; Acts 20:35

  3. We thank you for the great testimonies that we have heard amongst us in the last month or so. Forgive us for the times we have doubted and not trusted you enough. Through the things that you have done, encourage our hearts to press-in in praying for more.

  4. We thank you in advance of many more miracles to come, healing, provision, providence, and all things good. Lord, we choose to recognize and to believe that you are able to accomplish far more than we even thought possible. 1 Corinthians 2:9; Ephesians 3:20-21

Monday, 22nd April

  1. As the world marks Earth Day today, we praise you for the magnificent world you created which you declared ‘good’. We pray that you would deepen our gratitude for all you have made. Awaken in us an appreciation of your investment in creation and a renewed commitment to care for the earth and for each other in a way that pleases and honours you. Genesis 1:1-4; Psalm 24:1-4

  2. We ask that you would inspire world leaders with an open mind to listen to those most affected by climate change and give them the courage to act urgently and wisely to heal and to restore our common environmental heritage in a way that all people and generations to come, will delight in it and give glory to your holy name.

  3. Lord, help us turn away from a selfish consumption of resources that you created for all of humanity and to become conscious of the impacts of our choices on the poor and on the vulnerable in other parts of the world.

  4. Lord, heal our land and pour out your Spirit upon us. Psalm 85:1-9; Malachi 4:2; Isaiah 58:11

Tuesday, 23rd April

  1. Lord, we pray that the leaders of ECC will be true shepherds of God’s people; leading with compassion and with integrity; with their eyes firmly focused on the crown of glory to come. 1 Peter 5:1-4

  2. We pray that their hearts and their minds are eternally directed towards Christ in recognition of the reality that their true help and their strength come from you. Galatians 6:9

  3. Give them wisdom and discernment as they lead. Be their refuge and their peace. Surround them with wise counsel. Cause their heart to be humble and kind in action and in word. We pray that their faith in you will stay solid and unwavering.

  4. Lord, we pray for their families. We ask that you saturate these ones with the outpouring of your Spirit. Protect and grant them strength to stand in support of our leaders ensuring that they remain strong and faithful to their ministry.

Wednesday, 24th April

  1. We pray that your Church in the UK will cling resolutely to you and not abandon her first love. Revelation 2:4-5

  2. As your church we proclaim that we love you; and recognise that we are nothing without you. Help us never to take you or your message of redemption for granted.

  3. Our desire as your body is to be like the Church in Philadelphia with an open door that no one can shut. Help us to remain true to you we pray. Revelation 3:8

  4. In areas that the Church has fallen, we unite in repenting and asking that in judgement you would remember mercy.

Thursday, 25th April

  1. God, we pray that Jesus will reign in our communities and that His name will be exalted above all others.

  2. We pray for schools in our communities that they would be institutions that are subject to the leading of the Holy Spirit; places of positive influence where parents and teachers are committed to guiding the pupils in your holy ways.

  3. Lord, we pray for our governmental leaders; equip them with wisdom as they make decisions that affect us, help them to be thoughtful and to stand for your truth.

  4. We pray for every local church; that they will be a people standing for the truth of your Word, a people committed to propagating the Gospel of Jesus, a people ready to welcome neighbours with open arms and to help root them in Christ.

Friday, 26th April

  1. Lord, we appreciate your greatness and acknowledge your love for us. Help us to understand that you are God of incomparable holiness who demands for us to live in righteousness. Help us to constantly live our lives in awe of your holy name. Psalm 89:7

  2. When life’s trials come; help us not to be shaken but to stand convinced that nothing will separate us from your love if we fix our eyes on you and cast all of our burdens upon you with the total assurance that you care for us. 2 Chronicles 20: 12; Romans 8: 38-39; Psalm 55:22

  3. With our gaze fixed upon you, O Lord, may we discover your Spirit moving us from fear to trust, from fretfulness to calm, from agitation to confidence. 2 chronicles 20

  4. Lord, let every circumstance of our lives take us back to our knees and lead us back to a place of committed prayer.

Saturday, 27th April

  1. Lord, we have been on this mountain for too long, as in times of old, let revival break out amongst us we cry and cause your people to be catalyst for change in our land. Amos 9:11; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 6:16

  2. Lord, prepare my heart, let it be a fertile ground for Your Word and make me a mouthpiece of your righteousness, a watchman over my community. Psalm 66:18

  3. This weekend, give me divine appointments and courage to share Jesus so that in our time, we can witness an outpouring of your Spirit in our land. Ezekiel 3:17; Isaiah 62:6; Joel 2:28

  4. As we speak Jesus over our land, over our family and our community this weekend, let Your Word come forth with power and anointing to change hearts, break the yoke of oppression and bring people to Yourself we pray. Isaiah 10:27; Psalm 8:4–6

Sunday, 28th April

  1. God, we pray, open our eyes to the close connection between Sunday and the rest of the week. Help us not to be Sunday-Christians alone but help us to be committed to the gathering of brethren including prayer meetings and small group meetings. Hebrews 10:25

  2. Lord, open our eyes to the plans of the enemy seeking to sow seeds of disunity amongst the brethren in the Church. Help us to resist every form of disunity; offence, unforgiveness, ego, comparison and competition but to strive for a body united for the glory of the Father. John 10:10; James 4:7

  3. As we fix our gaze on you, transform us more and more into the likeness of Christ with an ever-increasing glory, that we might in turn transform our world for Christ. 2 Corinthians 3: 18

  4. As we fix our gaze in awe of your unparallel greatness, show us your glory we pray and let the radiance of King Jesus shine out from our lives that we will be a beacon of light to our dark world and a natural attraction for the lost. Exodus 33: 17- 19

Monday, 29th April

  1. Lord, we thank you for the powerful weapons of warfare which you have made available to us, weapons that are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and to the casting down of everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. With our weapon, we take authority over the works of every principality, every demonic spirit, every spiritual wickedness in high places operating over our communities and we destroy them in Jesus’ name. 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:12; Isaiah 54:17

  2. We bind every spirit of religion in every guise and every spirit of unbelief preventing people from accepting Christ; we command that they set free and release every soul held captive. We command their heart to receive salvation, in the name of Jesus.

  3. We take authority over the spirit of religion in God’s Church and destroy the works of the evil one preventing the Church from being effective for God in her witness. We take back everything the enemy has stolen, everything the cankerworm and the grasshoppers have eaten. We speak full and complete restoration over the Church and over God’s people. Revelation 2:4; Joel 2:25

  4. We speak particularly over the Church in the West that have grown so lukewarm and ineffective; we destroy the powers of religious spirit which stands in the way of the Spirit of God’s truth. We replace legalism with the true liberty in God. We declare Jesus over you and declare the restoration of your power and your influence for the glory of the Father.

Tuesday, 30th April

  1. Lord, help us to always remember that church is not a place, but a body; a family, with blood ties through Jesus Christ. Bind us together with the cord of love that cannot be broken.

  2. We pray that you will direct us to our knees in prayer, keep us awake and alert, make your Church a house of prayer; a people intentional in gathering together to pray. Colossians 4:2

  3. Lord, help our leaders to labour and strive to raise disciples who are mature in Christ, a people passionate and zealous for the things of God and help us as individuals to strive to know you more, passionate and zealous to be more and more like Jesus, committed individually to raising disciples. Psalm 42; Colossians 1:28-29

  4. Tonight is Walpurgis Night across Europe, a night of witches. In the name of Jesus, the name above all other names, we come against every satanic gathering anywhere over our nation tonight and destroy the power of the evil one. We silence every contrary power; we bind you and destroy your influence.

  5. For those that may be participating in such gatherings through ignorance, Lord, we pray that you will open their eyes so they can see the deception of the enemy. Open their ears to hear your voice. Convict their hearts unto repentance. Break the yokes of oppression in their lives and give them liberty in you through salvation.

Prayer Diary March 2024

HEME – Hosting His Presence in all areas of our life (John 15: 1-8; Romans 8: 2 -27 and

Galatians 5 :13 -25).


Following on from February’s month of Prayer and Fasting, it is only fitting that this month’s theme is “Hosting His Presence in all areas of our Life”. Like Moses, we also recognised the significance of God’s Presence in our lives, as written in Exodus 33:15. If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.


Friday 1st March

  1. Lord, saturate us with Your Presence, as we daily seek to spend quality time with You in Your Word, in Prayer and in Worship.

  2. Help us to daily abide in You and Your Word to abide in us daily, so that whatever we desire, it shall be done for us.

  3. Give us clean hands and a pure heart, so that we may continually enter into Your most holy place.

  4. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.


Saturday 2nd March

  1. Forgive us O Lord, when we seek to live the Christian life outside of dwelling in Your Presence.

  2. Give us a fresh revelation of what it means to be “In Christ”, as written in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation, the old has passed away, behold everything has become new”.

  3. Help us to daily exhibit that newness of life in every area of our lives.

  4. Help us to daily reflect that newness of life in our homes, schools, places of work, our local communities and in this nation.


Sunday 3rd March

In Your Presence, there is fullness of joy and at Your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

  1. As we gather together today, let Your Presence saturate every aspect of the service.

  2. We cry out, that everyone who attends today’s service will have a fresh encounter with You, the most High God.

  3. We pray that the joy of the Lord will be our strength today.

  4. Let there be a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in our midst today.


Monday 4th March

For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the Sons of God. Romans 8:19

  1. Lord reveal Your true Sons and Daughters on the earth, in order to reflect and manifest Your Glory, wherever You have placed us,

  2. Help us to die daily to our carnal natures, ensuring that only God’s perfect will, be manifested in our lives.

  3. Help us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service.

  4. Let Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done in our lives as it is in heaven.


Tuesday 5th March

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:13-14

  1. Lord, help us to crucify our flesh daily and willingly, knowing that we now live a new resurrected life in Christ Jesus.

  2. Let there be more of the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, as compared to the fruit of the flesh.

  3. You are the vine, and we are the branches. Help us to abide in You and You abide in us, so that we may bear much fruit, for without You we can do nothing.

  4. Be glorified in our lives, O Lord, so that we may bear much fruit and be Your disciples.


Wednesday 6th March

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2

  1. Father, we pray that none of our brothers and sisters in ECC and the wider body of Christ will feel condemned because they are struggling with the deeds of the flesh.

  2. Help us to be one another’s keepers.

  3. Remind us daily of the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ, where all of our sins and deeds of the flesh have been put to death.

  4. Let the resurrected life of Jesus Christ be mightily manifested in our midst and in this nation.


Thursday 7th March

That I may know Him and the power of His Resurrection. Philippians 3:10

  1. As we lay aside all the deeds of the flesh, let Your resurrection power be evidenced in our lives, transforming our communities, boroughs, this city, and the nation.

  2. Let Your Revival Power, which should start in us, be reflected in every facet of society.

  3. Use us O God, to be the transforming agent in the schools, colleges, universities, and every institute of education.

  4. As parents, let Your transforming grace be mightily manifested in our homes and our places of work.

  5. Let that transforming grace be reflected in the government, businesses, and the media, as many are being saved and won into Your Kingdom.


Friday 8th March

Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation, the old has passed away, behold everything has become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

  1. Father, let this newness of life be manifested daily in the lives of our pastors, elders, leaders, young people, children, men, and women of ECC.

  2. Forgive us O Lord, when we allow our carnal nature to rule our lives more than our new spiritual nature.

  3. Help us to walk by Faith and not by sight, because the just shall live by Faith.

  4. Lord, help us to continually feed on Your Word, thus enabling our Faith level to grow, which comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God.


Saturday 9th March

Arise and Shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:1-3

  1. Lord may we arise and shine in this season, so that Your Glory will be risen upon us.

  2. Irrespective of the darkness that is covering the earth, arise upon us O Lord, so that Your Glory will be reflected in all areas of our lives.

  3. May many unbelievers and kings be drawn to the brightness of Your rising in our lives.

  4. Let Your light be mightily manifested in all our Services and Prayer Meetings in ECC.


Sunday 10th

  1. We pray that Your Light will be seen upon all our Pastors, Elders, Men, Women, Youth and Children in our service today.

  2. Let us all leave the Service, knowing that we have been in Your Presence, having had an encounter with the Most High God.

  3. We pray that we will experience the fulness of joy, salvation, healing, and deliverance in Your Presence today.

  4. Send Your Holy Ghost Fire upon us today, just as You did on the early Church on the day of Pentecost, we pray.



Monday 11th March

Being in one accord with each other and the Godhead – John 17: 21-24

  1. Lord, we pray that we all may be one, as You are in the Father, the Father is in You and we are in You, so that the world may believe that You were sent by God, the Father.

  2. We pray that the Glory which was given to You Lord Jesus, and you have given to us be seen by all.

  3. Thank You for reminding us that we are in You Lord Jesus and Your Father is in You, so that we may be made perfect as One in You.

  4. Lord, we pray that the world may know that You were sent by God the Father and love us as much as Your Father loves You.


Tuesday 12th March

Unity in the Spirit – Psalm 133: 1-3

  1. Lord, we pray for Unity in the Spirit and being in one accord, as You were with the disciples on the day of Pentecost.

  2. We are taking authority over any form of disunity and discord in our midst here in ECC.

  3. Thank You for pouring out Your blessings upon us in this church, as we remain united in love.

  4. Let Your blessings upon us extend to the local community, the borough, the city, and the nation, where signs, wonders and miracles will be the norm and not the exception.


Wednesday 13thMarch

  1. Let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon our Pastors, Elders and Leaders in this Church.

  2. Let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon the men in ECC.

  3. Let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon the women in ECC.

  4. Let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit amongst the Youth, Young Adults, and children in our midst.


Thursday 14th March

  1. We pray for the gift of Prophesy to be mightily manifested in our midst.

  2. We pray that every Prophetic Word given to us individually and corporately will come into manifestation in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

  3. Lord, let us see and experience more of the Power Gifts; Healing, Working of Miracles and Faith in our midst.

  4. We pray for more of the Revelatory Gifts; Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom and Discerning of Spirits to be mightily manifested here in ECC.

  5. We thank You and pray for more of the Oratory Gifts; Prophesy, Speaking in Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues to be commonplace in our midst.


Friday 15th March

  1. We pray for the gospel to go out from this Church in the fulness of God’s power culminating in signs, wonders and miracles.

  2. Let there be as a consequence, a great influx of souls being won into this Church and your Kingdom.

  3. We pray that many new converts will be discipled and become rooted and grounded in the faith.

  4. We pray that many of the backsliders will return to the faith and be healed of their backsliding.


Saturday 16th March

  1. Lord, let Your Presence in our midst be the precursor for signs, wonders and miracles amongst us.

  2. We pray that everyone who attends ECC will always encounter Your Presence.

  3. Help us to carry Your Presence with us, wherever we are, on a daily basis.

  4. Let more and more of Your Presence be seen within us and less and less of our carnal nature.


Sunday 17th March

  1. We pray that we will enter into His Most Holy Place in the Service today.

  2. Let the Word that is being preached today come forth in power, with signs and wonders following.

  3. As Your Presence saturates the Service, let the evidence be that many souls are being won into Your Kingdom.

  4. Let our lives be further transformed in Your Presence, so that we will continue to offer our bodies as living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You.


Monday 18th March

Create in Me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast Spirit within Me. Psalm 51:10

  1. Give us clean hands and a pure heart O Lord and let no ungodly thoughts be formed in us.

  2. Help us to meditate on all things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of a good report.

  3. Forgive us O Lord when we have not done so, marring the image of who You are in us.

  4. Let the meditation of our heart and the words of our mouth be acceptable in Thy Sight O Lord.




Tuesday 19th March

Do not cast me away from Your Presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Psalm 51:11

  1. Lord, let there be no reason in our lives, that would warrant us to be cast away from Your Presence.

  2. Help us not to grieve Your Holy Spirit, O Lord.

  3. Help us not to quench the moving of Your Holy Spirit in our midst.

  4. Lord, help us to be led always by Your Holy Spirit in all our endeavours for You in ECC, in our homes and in our places of work.


Wednesday 20th March

  1. Help us to be vessels that are clean and pure at all times.

  2. Help us to quickly confess our sins whenever we are not clean and pure, knowing that You are just and faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  3. Help us to quickly forgive others for any wrongdoings that are done to us.


Thursday 21st March

I indeed baptise you with water, but One mightier than I is coming whose sandal strap I am not worthy to lose. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3:16

  1. Lord, we pray for the fulness of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

  2. We pray that the Holy Spirit will take possession of us and transform us.

  3. Lord, help us to be Your dwelling place in this nation and on the earth.

  4. Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirit will come and dwell in every Pastor, Elder, Discipleship group Leader, Man, Woman, Youth and Child as You did in Jesus when He walked on the earth.


Friday 22nd March

  1. Lord, give us fresh revelation that we were made to be filled with God, to be filled with His divine nature.

  2. Help us O Lord to always keep Your commandments in order to demonstrate our love for You.

  3. Thank You O Lord for fresh revelation that if we love You, we will be loved by You; and You and Your Father will manifest Yourselves to us.

  4. Thank You O Lord that when we love You by keeping Your Word, not only will You love us, but come and make Your home in us.


Saturday 23rd March

  1. Help us O Lord to tarry in Your presence, until we receive Your Power from on High.

  2. Help us to manifest Your Power wherever we are, exhibiting signs wonders and miracles in our homes, schools, the local community, and the nation.

  3. Nothing is impossible with You O Lord. Let this be our motto because we can do all things through You who strengthens us.


Sunday 24th March

  1. On this Palm Sunday, help us O Lord to commemorate Your triumphal entry in Jerusalem, and eventually leading You to the cross of calvary,

  2. In this service, help us not to forget the triumphant victory of the cross of Jesus Christ.

  3. Lord, we thank You for taking upon Yourself, all our iniquities, pains, infirmities, transgressions, and all the separation and condemnation of mankind.

  4. Thank You for becoming sin for us and becoming the curse that had existed since the Fall.


Monday 25th March

  1. Thank You Lord, that Your death on the cross shows how much God hates sin.

  2. Thank You Lord that Your death shows how much God loves Man.

  3. Thank You Lord that the plan of redemption originated in God the Father, who loves the world and loves His people.

  4. Thank You Lord that whilst we were dead in our sins God the Father sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins.


Tuesday 26th March

God, You have demonstrated Your own Love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

  1. Thank You Lord that the Cross of Jesus Christ is the greatest display ever, of the wisdom and power of God.

  2. Thank You Lord, that You were manifested to destroy all the works of the evil one, sin, sickness, and death.

  3. Help us O Lord to manifest such victory in our homes, ECC, West London and the nation.

  4. Help us to reflect in our lives. the victory of the cross of Jesus Christ on a daily basis.


Wednesday 27th March

You have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us Kings and Priests to our God, and we shall reign on the earth. Revelation 5:9

  1. Thank You Father, for redeeming us by the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.

  2. You have made us priests and kings to our God, help us to accurately reflect Your calling upon our lives.

  3. Thank You Lord for redeeming and restoring what was once lost as a result of the Fall.

  4. Help us O Lord to rule and reign in our respective sphere of influence.


Thursday 28th March

  1. Thank You Lord, that as Your redeemed, we have a two – fold Glory. Firstly, we have full intimacy through the blood of Jesus Christ.

  2. Secondly, we thank You Lord that You have given us dominion through the blood of Jesus Christ.

  3. Thank You Lord that we are now seated with You in Heavenly Places, far above all principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual wickedness in High Places.

  4. Help us O Lord to reign as Kings in whatever environment that You have placed us.


Friday 29th March

  1. On this Good Friday, we commemorate and Thank You for the Cross, where You unleashed Your wrath on Your Son Jesus Christ for our sins.

  2. Father, we pray that Jesus having become sin for us, and You turned Your face from Him, help us to accept and believe that truth, so that You do not eternally turn Your face from us.

  3. Lord, we pray that many souls will be won into Your Kingdom, having received the gift of salvation in churches all over the nation.

  4. Lord, we thank You for Your grace that is poured out upon us, which is demonstrated on the cross. “For by grace, we have been saved through Faith.” Ephesians 2:8



Saturday 30th March

Father, I desire that those You gave Me, may be with Me, where I am, that they may beheld My Glory, which You have given Me, for You loved Me from before the foundation of the world. John 17:24

  1. Thank You God, that through the Cross You vindicated Your Holiness and at the same time have had pity on mankind.

  2. Thank You God, that the tensions and paradoxes in Your heart are expressed in the torn body of Christ.

  3. Father, we thank You for the Cross which has given us a clear picture of how You advance Your Kingdom through Intercession, not through worldly means.

  4. Thank You Lord for demonstrating on the cross, a new reality of love and the extent to which You went to redeem us and reveal the way of the Kingdom to us.


Sunday 31st March

  1. Thank You Lord, that on this Resurrection Sunday, we can celebrate the fact that You broke the power of death, sin and the grave.

  2. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ in churches all over the world today, give us a fresh revelation of what You have truly accomplished for us.

  3. We pray that we may know You and the power of Your resurrection, as Apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 3:10.

  4. We thank You Lord, that we can all leave the Service today, knowing that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in us and therefore allows us to host Your Presence in all areas of our lives.


Prayer Diary February 2024

As we enter this month of prayer and fasting we are seeking God through various different themes, praying for God to bless us, bless others and bless our city.

Thursday 1st February

  1. Jesus, reveal to us who we should be inviting into our homes over this month to share the gospel with.
  2. Father, help us to be an obedient people who will invite, who you have revealed to us.
  3. We pray that you will prepare people’s heart for the invite and the invitation to faith.
  4. We pray for friends and family who don’t know you yet, that they will find salvation in you.
  5. Father we pray for our prodigal sons and daughters that they will come back into your kingdom.

Friday 2nd February

  1. Father search me and know me and see if there is any unrighteous thing in me and lead me in paths everlasting.
  2. Lord as you reveal my wrongdoings I apologise for those moments that I have gone my own way and not followed your leading.
  3. I’m sorry for those moments that I did things you told me not to do and didn’t do the things you told me to do.
  4. Wash me in the blood of your son once again and sanctify me.
  5. Father, transform us more into your likeness by renewing our minds we pray.

Saturday 3rd February

  1. Father We pray your word will come alive to us this month.
  2. We pray that the people of ECC won’t just be readers of the Word but doers of it.
  3. Help us to meditate on your Word, day and night and to hide it in our hearts.
  4. Father set a passion within us for your Word, that captivates every part of us we pray.
  5. As we study your Word, Holy spirit illuminate it for us we pray.

Sunday 4th February

  1. Holy Spirit we pray that today you will fill us a fresh and anew.
  2. Holy Spirit come and fill our homes with your peace and your presence.
  3. Holy Spirit we pray that there will be a greater awareness of your presence in the church this month.
  4. Holy Spirit we pray that you will set us on fire with passion and hunger for more of you.
  5. We pray that as your spirit fills us a fresh this week that your healing power will also flow through our bodies.

Monday 5th February

  1. Father we pray that you will continue to raise up and release intercessors at ECC.
  2. Let prayer continue to be the boiler room of our church.
  3. Help us be a people who cry out to you day and night for our people, our church, our city and our nation.
  4. Father, help us to have a listening ear as we enter into places of prayer, to hear what you are saying and respond accordingly.
  5. Let us be a people who increasingly worship you in all of life, we pray.

Tuesday 6th February

  1. Father, we pray that we will enter your presence with clean hands and a pure heart.
  2. Holy Spirit we pray that you will fill our church, our home and our city with your peace.
  3. Father, make us a people who are continuously aware of your presence around us we pray.
  4. We pray that this month will be a month of encounter with you.
  5. Jesus, we pray that as we encounter you this month we will be transformed in every area of our lives.

Wednesday 7th February

  1. Lord, I choose to praise and worship You today in every part of my life.
  2. Teach me to ascend to Your throne room in worship and then descend back into the harvest field here on earth.
  3. Help me to have a lifestyle of worship, thanking You in every situation.
  4. We offer You a sacrifice of praise right now.

Thursday 8th February

  1. Father, help us to quieten our spirits so that we may hear your voice.
  2. Holy Spirit as we quieten ourselves to hear You, please remove the distraction and noise from our lives.
  3. Open our ears so that we may hear you speak to us clearly in this season.
  4. Let your voice mark us today as we go about our everyday tasks.
  5. May your voice continue to be the loudest voice at ECC, as you continue to speak to us as we gather.

Friday 9th February

  1. Lord, we ask for forgiveness where we have been disobedient in not doing what you have asked us to do.
  2. Father we pray for our leaders that they will have the courage to obey you even when it seems unpopular.
  3. Holy Spirit help guide us in our everyday lives when we are living in the grey areas in what we should and shouldn’t do.
  4. Let the obedience of ECC make us stand out from the world around us we pray.

Saturday 10th February

Matthew 9:18-26

  1. Father, I pray that You will visit us, and make Your presence known in my life and in London.
  2. Give me faith to believe that You can change London through prayer and through acts of love and compassion.
  3. We choose to partner with You for transformation of London. Help us to contend for the city in prayer.
  4. Father as we contend for the transformation of our city, please start with transforming me first.
  5. Help me to trust you as things begin to change in my life that they are for the best.

Sunday 11th February

  1. Lord, today we contend for our friends and families who are far from you, that you will draw them closer to you.
  2. Father reveal to us who you are calling us to disciple in this season.
  3. Lord, raise up an army of disciple-making disciples here at ECC who will see multiplication as their aim.
  4. Help us to model what it looks like to be disciples of Christ, to those around us we pray.
  5. Lord, help us to disciple the people in our city even though they haven’t chosen to follow you yet.

Monday 12th February

  1. Father, we thank you for what you have done in years gone by, here at ECC.
  2. We honour and thank you for pastors and members who have faithfully served ECC throughout the year.
  3. We thank you for the impact that ECC has had in West London.
  4. We thank you for how you have used the members of ECC to impact the nations.
  5. Father we pray, come and do it again in our time and in this season.

Tuesday 13th February

  1. Jesus, give us the boldness to pray for the sick that they may be healed in your name we pray.
  2. Lord we pray that this year we will see more people become disciples of Jesus, than we ever have.
  3. Lord we pray that revival fires will begin to break out within us, spread to west London and the world.
  4. Father we pray that ECC will be on the cutting edge of what you want to do in this nation.
  5. Jesus we pray that your name will be lifted in West London, bring people of peace together to lift your name high we pray.

Wednesday 14th February

  1. Father we pray that we will continue to pull from the well of supernatural healing here at ECC.
  2. We pray for those who are sick that you will bring healing in Jesus’ name.
  3. Father we pray that the prophecies over this house being a place of healing, will come to pass.
  4. Jesus we pray that people will not just be healed in ECC but also in the streets around us.
  5. Father we pray for all the doctors and nurses at ECC that you will continue to give them wisdom to bring healing to people’s bodies.

Thursday15th February

  1. Jesus we pray for our friends and family who don’t know you yet that they will come to know you this year.
  2. We pray for those of other faiths in West London that they will begin to encounter Jesus this year.
  3. Father we pray that here at ECC we won’t just produce converts but will make disciples that make disciples this year.
  4. Lord, add to the church this year as we begin to reach out to our community.
  5. We pray for those who once knew you that you will draw them back into your presence this year.

Friday 16th February

  1. Father we pray that you will raise up people of innovation here at ECC.
  2. Father we pray that we will have a strong cutting edge here at ECC that if we have become dull that you will resharpen us.
  3. Let us be like the men of Issachar, people who understand the times and know what to do we pray.
  4. We pray that ECC will be forerunners in the things of God.
  5. Father we pray that we will keep our eyes on you and only do what we see you doing.

Saturday 17th February

  1. Lord, we pray that as a church we will continue to grow in unity with one another.
  2. Lord, we pray that the vision will be clear in every area of church, and we will all chase after you together.
  3. Father, we pray that there will be unity amongst the churches in West London. Give us plans and strategy to lift your Name higher over our city.
  4. Lord we pray for our sister ELIM churches, that you will bring blessing and growth to them this year.
  5. Let this year be a year of collaboration for ECC amongst our City we pray.

Sunday 18th February

  1. Lord we pray the prayer of John the Baptist over our lives today, that you must increase and we must decrease.
  2. Lord we pray that your Kingdom will continue to advance throughout West London, that we will continue to see transformation in our City.
  3. Anoint us to be a people of fervent pray who continuously pull heaven to earth.
  4. We pray that today we will begin to see the start of revival and that you will start with me.
  5. Father we pray for a glimpse of your kingdom in our lives today.

Monday 19th February

  1. Father, let this year be a year of freedom within ECC where people are released from bondage that ensnares them.
  2. We pray that people will find emotional wholeness this year in Jesus’ name.
  3. Father, we release forgiveness over all of those who have hurt us. For those who struggle with this please give them the strength to do so.
  4. Reveal to us any ungodly truth that we have spoken over ourselves and help us to replace them with your truth.
  5. We pray for our SOZO team as they prepare to launch and help people find freedom in this area.

Tuesday 20th February

  1. Holy Spirit we pray that today you will fill us afresh with your Glory.
  2. We pray that we will walk in the fear of God in every circumstance in our lives.
  3. Lord we pray for the ECC family, that you help us to be your hands and feet to them.
  4. We pray for our friends and family who don’t know you yet that you will draw them closer to you.
  5. Father we pray for West London that your glory will descend upon our city, and we will see it transformed by your goodness.

Wednesday 21st February

  1. Father God, will you prepare my heart? Search me and know me.
  2. Reveal any anxieties and worries I have not given to you and lead me back to you.
  3. Cleanse my mind and my heart, Lord Jesus.
  4. Renew a steadfast spirit within me and draw me close to you.
  5. I know your Spirit dwells within me, and even when you feel far away, I know you are with me. Remind my soul of this truth.

Thursday 22nd February:

  1. Father God, Your Word says that nothing can separate me from your love help me hold to this truth.
  2. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me! Lord, remind me of this truth today.
  3. Your Word says when I call upon you, you hear me and save me, thank you.
  4. Give me a broken and contrite spirit, remind me that you are close to me through this season.
  5. As I draw near to you today draw ever nearer back to me I pray.

Friday 23rd February

  1. “Father God, I am your child. Remind me that no matter what happens, my identity as your child never changes.
  2. You have chosen me, and you call me a “royal priesthood!”
  3. Thank you, Jesus, that your work on the cross has transformed my life.
  4. You have clothed me in a new, clean and pure garment of salvation let me live out this daily.
  5. As I remember my identity, help me to praise your name forever.

Saturday 24th February

  1. Father we pray for our church today that we will continue to have unity amid diversity.
  2. We pray that a culture of disciplingwould form in which making disciples is viewed as an ordinary part of the Christian life.
  3. We pray for ahunger for studying the gospel would form among members so that they can guide and guard one another in it.
  4. We pray that at ECC transparent, meaningful relationshipswould become normal and remaining anonymous would be strange.
  5. That ECC would grow in beingdistinct from the world in love and holiness, even as it engages West London

Sunday 25th February

  1. Father, we pray for Leaders today, that they will continue to listen to what you are saying and have the courage to follow.
  2. That our leaders would remain above reproach,kept from temptation, complacency, idols, and worldliness.
  3. We pray that they will use Scripture to train members to do the work of ministry.
  4. That they would grow in dedication to God’s Word even when no one’s watching.
  5. That as they preach God’s Word that it would be biblically correct and Holy Spirit inspired.

Monday 26th February

  1. Lord we pray for those in our congregation who are struggling in their faith that you will strengthen them.
  2. Father for those who are sick, we pray for your supernatural healing in their bodies.
  3. Lord we pray for those who are seeking a miracle today that they will find it in the miracle maker.
  4. Father for those who are experiencing loneliness today we pray that they are not alone and that you have set them in this incredible family.
  5. Father we pray that every answer to prayer will be celebrated and that you will continue to receive all the glory for it.

Tuesday 27th February

  1. Father, today we pray that you will bless the City of London which we call home.
  2. We pray for the people of London that you will give us a heart of Wisdom. May your Wisdom produce in us creative ideas, solutions to problems, new technologies and products.
  3. May we be a city who delights in justice, give the leaders of our city grace to bring truth, justice, and stability to our region.
  4. Father let us be attentive to the cries of the poor. Let us share their burdens and come to their aid we pray.
  5. Lord may you revive our city with new life. May every person, marriage, family, school, and business in our community enjoy the blessings of God.

Wednesday 28th February

  1. Today, I thank You God for London and that I am blessed with the privilege of living here.
  2. Thank You that by placing me here You have assigned me to spiritually steward the place where I live, so help me to understand that responsibility we pray.
  3. Today, help me to rise up and take my place at the right hand of the Father in all spiritual authority over our city.
  4. We pray that You would send forth rain to our city. Let an outpouring of the Holy Spirit fall on this place and overcome any evil forces operating against it.
  5. We declare the goodness of God over our City in Jesus name.

Thursday 29th February

  1. Lord we pray that this year will be a year of Salvation where we will continuously rejoice with the angels for new life.
  2. We pray for protection over our city that peace will rain in every sphere of society.
  3. We pray that we will see you moving in our city and learn how to join in co-labouring with you.
  4. Let your name be lifted high in the city of London this year.
  5. Give us London or we die. Make this our cry and our passion we pray.

How to Fast 247 prayer

Spiritual Warfare

Prayer Tool:

How to Fast 


Fasting is the practice of giving up something we normally consume to focus on God. This prayer tool will show its significance in spiritual warfare.


“Fasting is universal temperance, prayer is universal communication with God; the former defends from the outside, whereas the latter from within directs a fiery weapon against the enemies. The demons can sense a faster and man of prayer from a distance, and they run far away from him so as avoid a painful blow.” St Theophan the Recluse

Bible reference:

“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,  so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:17-18

A quick introduction to Fasting

The Biblical principle of fasting is a process of forgoing something (primarily food) in order that we might to turn our gaze on to God in a more intense and focused way.

Fasting is referred to numerous times in both the Old and New Testament as a practice of God’s people. Jesus talks about it in the Sermon on the Mount alongside prayer and giving, and in doing so we could argue He endorses it as a prerequisite for the disciple: “When you fast…” (Matthew 6:16) presumes fasting will be a familiar practice in the life of the Jesus-follower, just as prayer and giving is.

While fasting implies abstaining from food, it more importantly means a feasting on God – an utter dependence upon the presence of God beyond the sustenance of food. In doing so we prove the words Jesus quoted during His own fast: “…man does not live by bread alone but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God…” Prayer and fasting is the weapon we must pick up if we are to overcome the assignments of the enemy against our lives and be free to progress into deeper realms of the Spirit.

Corporate fasting

While fasting is often a private matter between an individual and God, the Bible also refers to a number of corporate fasts.

These corporate fasts were often in times when the children of Israel were in a desperate situation. Realising their need to repent of sins on behalf of the nation[1], they cried out to God in fasting and prayer for a breakthrough.

We also see this practice at certain key ‘breakthrough moments’ in the New Testament. Jesus told the disciples when confronting certain demonic activity that, ‘this sort only comes out through prayer and fasting’.

In Acts 13, at a critical juncture in the life of the church regarding its launch into Gentile territory, we read of the apostles and prophets fasting and praying to God, seeking wisdom for what would become the explosion of the gospel breaking through the missional frontier.

There is a dimension to fasting which draws us into the spiritual realm and the front-edge of spiritual warfare. Significant shifts and major breakthroughs can come as a result of fasting and prayer and it has proven to be a primary tool, for thousands of years, in the advancement of the Kingdom.

Ironically, when we are weak in body, we are sometimes strongest in spirit, spiritually heightened and alert, and therefore primed for a breakthrough. Jesus Himself seems to have endured most of the satanic attacks against His life during

His forty days of fasting in the wilderness. This should inspire and educate us in our Christian journey and maturing process – the Son of God, knowing He was about to face the temptations and torments of the enemy, utilised the weapon of fasting, and in so doing overcame the devil and his angels.

Only after this did Jesus’ ministry fully begin. Maybe some of the breakthroughs we want to see in our own lives or the lives of our families, churches and cities will only come after a season of fasting and prayer.

Do it: How to Fast [2]

The tips below are for a fast of food, but ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you could fast. You might want to try the following instead:

  • Social media
  • Alcohol
  • Talking
  • Entertainment or sport
  • Screens and devices

‘Walk before you can run: ’ a ‘slow and steady’ approach to progression in this discipline is particularly important. It might be an idea to start with a partial fast, like missing one meal a day for a week, or trying a ‘Daniel fast’ which involves giving up all delicacies and concentrating on vegetables.

Build it up gradually: move on in your fasting, trying one 24 hour period once a week for a few weeks. After success in this fasting, move onto a longer fast – try 3 days, or build a more consistent rhythm of the first 2 days of every month. It may be good to tie in with the church’s calendar at Lent and aim for a longer, more intentional fast.

Plan: as you prepare to fast, try and plan your diary intentionally. It is good to try and not get too busy when you are fasting so that you can give some set time to prayer. Try not to fill up the time you would have been fasting with work and meetings, rather keep it free to intentionally seek God.  You may also want to check that your medical conditions comply with you fasting.  If you need to, check it out with your GP.

Monitor: try to pay attention to the attitude of your heart.  What is God revealing?  What needs to change?

Keep going: when you start, you will begin to feel hunger pangs or discomfort: it’s not real hunger – try to resist and allow the pains to trigger you instead to offer up prayers to God.

Soon the pangs will pass. Initially the body might suffer discomfort – this is due to the body ridding itself from toxins that have built up over the years because of bad eating habits. Don’t be disturbed, rather thank God for the increased health and wellbeing as a result.

Keep worshipping: while outwardly you may be getting on with what you have to do, inwardly be in singing and adoration in your heart to the Lord.

Wisdom: be aware of the weakness in your body and try not to do anything too strenuous that would put you and/or others at risk. Break your fast with a light meal, rather than heavily overeating.

Books on Fasting

  • Celebration of Discipline – Richard Foster
  • Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting – Derek Prince

[1] See Identificational Repentance Prayer Tool.

[2] Some of the following has been inspired by chapter on fasting in Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

Prayer diary january 2024





Our mission

As “One family of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples”, we are committed to the Great Commission to train, equip and send out: witnesses, evangelists, church planters and missionaries to reach and disciple all peoples at home and abroad.

Our vision

To be a community of believers, passionate for the spiritual transformation of our city


· To develop disciple-makers who live out the Father’s heart for our neighbourhoods, borough, and city.

· To develop leaders that are influential and significant in our community.

· To develop life-changing community initiatives.

Our values

1. Prayer

2. Word of God

3. Supernaturally Christ-like

4. Spirit-filled

5. Missionally-relevant

6. Relational

7. Worship


Monday 1st January

People with Vision and Knowledge

Daniel 1:17

1. Father, raise up in your Church people of Godly knowledge in every sphere of society.

2. Father let the men and women of ELIM close the knowledge gap in their lives, from what they know and what they should know to excel this year.

3. Father, we pray for Christians who feel like they are in the wrong job due to training, that you will open up doors in their field of expertise this year.


Tuesday 2nd January

People who Understand God’s plan

Ecclesiastes 3:1,11. Romans 12:12.

1. Father, raise in all generations in ECC, people who become more understanding in the situations they are in.

2. We pray for your Church to be people who are more understanding of their Families (turn hearts of parents back to sons and daughters and vice versa)

3. Raise up men and women in every ministry who will help others to better understand God’s vision for their communities.


 Wednesday 3rd January

People of Wisdom

Proverbs 4:6-7

1. Father Let us not only be people of knowledge but give us the wisdom to know what to do with that knowledge.

2. Give us the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be quiet.

3. Give us the wisdom and insight to search through your word for the answers that the world is looking for.


Thursday 4th January

People who fear God

Proverbs 9:10

1. Father your word says that the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. Bring a Godly fear amongst the people of ELIM and our Nation.

2. Bring a Holiness throughout the people of our movement.

3. Let us have an experience like Isaiah where we understand how wonderful and reverent you are.


Friday 5th January

People like Men of Issachar

1 Chronicle 12:32

1. Father Let us be men, women and young people who bring understanding and wisdom in the times that we are living.

2. Raise up Godly people of vision for such a time as this who know where we should go.

3. Father, we pray for the leaders of our world that they will seek Godly counsel in this season.


Saturday 6th January

People of Wisdom

Proverbs 3:5b


1. Let us be people who are not just full of knowledge but have the wisdom to use it.

2. That in moments when something doesn’t fit with our earthly wisdom, let us lean into your revealed word.

3. We pray that this year is the year that we grow in wisdom.


Sunday 7th January

Vision for the year

God’s Prophetic Promises for ECC, Habakkuk 2:3

 1. Lord at the beginning of this year give us a vision for the year to come.

2. Set a burning desire for the truth in people’s hearts, for the year to come.

3. Fill us with a prophetic word which like Jeremiah is like a fire trapped in our bones until it is released

Monday 8th January

The Holy Spirit and Vision

Acts 1:8, Ephesians 1:13-14, 1 Corinthians 2:12

1. Father, install in us a vision for our lives

2. Bring us to our knees and to your presence as we search for what you have called us to.

3. Holy Spirit, birth in the Church a vision that is worth living and dying for.


Tuesday 9th January

Seeking God’s vision for work

Ephesians 3:20. John 14:12

1. Give each ECC member a vision for their work this year.

2. Give us a vision for work colleagues.

3. Give us a vision to see you at work in our workplaces and homes.


Wednesday 10th January

Vision God’s challenge to His Church

Isaiah 55:8-9

1. Let Christians in West London find a vision for their churches this year.

2. We pray for a vision, for mission in our local church, London, and UK.

3. We declare vision for 2024 to be the year that people begin to come back to church and take their place in the congregation.


Thursday 11th January

Aligning our vision with God’s Plan for families

2 Kings 6:17, Psalm 17:15, Matthew 5:8

1. Lord Jesus, give me a vision to lead my family well.

2. Lord Jesus, help me be a man/woman/youth/child who shows my friends how to follow you.

3. Let me have a vision for my family which is bigger than we have seen so far.


Friday 12th January

Vision for People

Daniel 1:17

1. Father, raise up people who have a vision to see unbelievers come to Christ.

2. Give the Christians who have taken up the baton of reaching others, the vision and strategies to do it.

3. We pray for pastors, elders, and leaders as they lead the ELIM movement that they will have years of vision for it.


 Saturday 13th January

Vision for Salvation

Daniel 1:17, John 14:6

1. Father, give every person a vision for salvation and discipleship this year.

2. Lord Jesus, give us names of friends and neighbours to pray over this year that will come into your kingdom.

3. Holy Spirit, raise up soul winners throughout 2024, that will reap a ripe abundant harvest.


Sunday 14th January

People Who Accomplish Big Dreams

Daniel 1:17

1. Father Let us be people who don’t just daydream but bring action.

2. Let this year be a year of Breakthrough in the vision you have given the Church.

3. Let this be a year of accelerated vision.


Monday 15th January

People Who Dream, Dreams of faith

Daniel 1:17

1. Father speak to us supernaturally through our dreams and prophetic visions this year.

2. Speak to us through prayer altars this year.

3. Bring people around us who will help us to interpret dreams into reality this year.


Tuesday 16th January

People Who See Visions

Daniel 1:17

1. Father Give each ECC member Godly Supernatural vision this year.

2. Raise up in every generation those who have visions for others, that changes the trajectory of their lives for good.

3. Give us Vision that speak to the very heart of who we are and lead us to true repentance.


Wednesday 17th January

Fan into flames

2 Timothy 1:6

1. Father Let this be the year that we begin to use the giftings that you have placed in our lives.

2. Fill your church with your Holy Spirit for us to use your gifts.

3. Give us the boldness to use the gifting that you have given to us and discover what those gifts are.


Thursday 18th January

Words of Wisdom

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1. Fill us with Spiritual wisdom to know what to do in every situation.

2. Put people in positions of Authority who are able to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

3. Father speak words of wisdom and discernment into our lives.


Friday 19th January

Words of Knowledge

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1. Fill your people with supernatural knowledge directly from the Holy Spirit and not by their own intelligence or mind.

2. Raise up men and women who pay attention to these words.

3. Give us words of knowledge in every area of our lives, family, ministry, and mission this year and beyond.


Saturday 20th January


1 Corinthians 12:8-10

 1. Father, raise up men and women in every generation who bring words of strength to others and the church.

2. Father, raise up people who bring words of encouragement to others and the church.

3. Father, raise up people who bring words of comfort to others and the church.


Sunday 21st January


1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1. Father, help us to have faith the size of a mustard seed which moves mountains.

2. Fill us with faith to stand and pray ‘sun stand still prayers’ as Joshua did.

3. Raise up people with Audacious faith.


Monday 22nd January


1 Corinthians 12:8-10. 3 John 2

1. God, we pray give us the boldness to pray over the sick and see them healed

2. We pray for those who are sick in our families.

3. Let this be a year where we see you move in the gift of healing in our lives.


Tuesday 23rd January


1 Corinthians 12:8-10


1. Lord let us see miraculous signs and wonders in ECC in 2024.

2. Let every miraculous sign point people in West London to you as Lord and Saviour.

3. Move miraculously in our lives that we are amazed at what you are doing and glorify your name.


Wednesday 24th January

Discerning Spirits

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1. Lord, raise up people of prayer who are discerning of the spiritual atmosphere in our country.

2. Let these people be watchmen on the wall over our cities.

3. Let these be people who pull down stronghold in the spiritual realm.


Thursday 25th January


1 Corinthians 12:8-10

 1. Father, we pray for everyone who hasn’t received the gift of tongues, that you will bestow that gift upon them.

2. Let this gift be something that we use daily in our lives.

3. That when we don’t know what to pray, let us use the gift of tongues for our spirit to pray on our behalf.


Friday 26th January

Interpretation of Tongues

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

1. Lord Jesus, Release the gift of interpretation of tongues upon Christians in your church.

2. Lord Jesus Let this gift be used to show others what you are speaking through your people.

3. Lord Jesus let this gift be used to draw people closer to you and your kingdom.


Saturday 27th January

People Who Understand Sacrifice

Acts 20:24

1. God raise up committed people who are willing to leave everything behind in order to follow you.

2. Raise up people who are willing to sacrifice to see your will be done.

3. Give us an understanding of how valuable Christ is to us and our lives.


Sunday 28th January

People Who Finish the race (1)

Acts 20:24

1. Father don’t let anything disqualify us from finishing the race set before us.

2. We cry out for fellow brothers and sisters who are close to quitting on the race.

3. We cry out for those who have stumbled over the past year that you will bring forgiveness and reconciliation in their lives.


Monday 29th January

People Who Finish the race (2)

Acts 20:24

1. Father let us be people who finish the race set before us. By Aligning our vision with God’s ways through

The Word


Counsel of godly people


Holy Spirit Power

2. Let us begin to gather speed where there is stagnation.

3. Let us walk in obedience in the ministry you have called us to.


Tuesday 30th January

People Who Preach the Word

Acts 20:24

1. Father, give Christians in ECC and all over our nation the confidence to speak your word to others.

2. Father, fill us with boldness to speak your word of truth in every situation.

3. Father, fill us with wisdom to use the different platforms to speak your word.


Wednesday 31st January

People who share the good news

Acts 20:24

1. Father, raise up men and women and young people who will share your good news with everyone they encounter.

2. Father, give us the opportunity to share your good news with our family and neighbours.

3. Father, we pray that this year through the holy Spirit, hundreds will come to faith in you.









































      Prayer diary december 2023


       The Twelfth Month prayer diary focuses our praying through God’s promises and principles for life and commitment, from the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 2 Kings, interspersing with Advent themes of Light, Peace, Joy and Hope.


      Friday 1st December


      “Behold the days are coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah [33] I will put My law in their minds and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be My people” [Jeremiah 31:31-33].


      1. Abba, we thank you that this promise is now fulfilled in Jesus Christ the Saviour. Open the eyes of the Jewish people and all Israel to the reality of this new covenant.
      2. We pray for each religious Orthodox Jew seeking to know this Truth, may they hear the voice of the Lord as they read the daily and weekly Torah (Old Testament) portions.
      3. During these challenging days, we pray for supernatural faith and boldness to arise within the Christian Arabs in the land, to share the good news of the gospel amongst the Muslims.
      4. We pray for the Jewish believers in the land. Use them in their calling as light in the darkness, sharing the gospel and making disciples to Jesus.
      5. We call Israel to return and seek her God. Let this decree be made on earth as it is in heaven that all Israel will know the law of Christ written on their minds and heart and walk in them.



      Saturday 2nd December

      ECC Community

      “For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God [Galatians 2:19] I have been crucified with Christ [20] Now the works of the flesh are evident- adultery, uncleanness, sorcery, hatred, jealousy, etc [5:19] God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of Jesus Christ [6:14]”.


      1. Thank you, Abba, for the truth of your word. Today, we acknowledge that we have been delivered from the law of regulations and rules by the Holy Spirit to live full and productive lives to God through Christ.
      2. Today cause us to grow in the Spirit as we obey spiritual disciplines such as meditating on scripture, praying and fasting, loving, and forgiving others. May our self, lose its power so we can walk in supernatural power and authority.  
      3. Holy Spirit, help us to grow in Godliness. Depending on you to walk in victory from the flesh and self-will.
      4. Lord, we invite the power of the Spirit to live through us so that the things of the world will lose its attraction on us.
      5. Lord, we pray that as we reflect on our week, show us areas where you want to bring us in more freedom.



      Sunday 3rd December


      “Therefore, know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham [8] In you all the nations shall be blessed [9] So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham” [Galatians 2:7-9]


      1. Father, we ask for your grace of salvation to those who haven’t yet come to faith in Jesus Christ.
      2. As Nations and people prepare for this season of Christmas, may the greatest gift given and received be the gift of eternal life, knowing Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
      3. Abba, as Nations surrender and chose to walk with you, may the natural and spiritual blessings be released upon them in Jesus’ name.
      4. We decree and declare that Nations and people will become spiritual sons of Abraham according to the purpose of God.
      5. We pray against the spirit of rebellion and lawlessness that opposes the promise of blessing.


      Monday 4th December


      “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation [15]….so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace”. [Ephesians 2:14-15]


      1. We decree that Jesus is our peace today and forever. We come against any negative thought or situation that intends to rob us of the Truth.
      2. In this season of Christmas, cause us to be carriers of peace within our families and others around us or whom you will send us to.
      3. We bless our communities today with the peace and presence of the Lord. May many homes, schools and businesses experience Godly acts of kindness during this season.
      4. May all refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people in West London experience the love and acceptance of the Father towards them in this season.
      5. Lord, let the vulnerable in our society be filled with hope and peace that comes from you.


      Tuesday 5th December

      ECC Community

      “And Jesus spoke to them saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life” [John 8:12]


      1. As your disciples in the world, we acknowledge your light in us. Let it shine into the brokenness of our society to bring restoration and hope.
      2. Use each of us to lead the treasures [men, women, and children] out of dark places because of the light in us.
      3. Holy Spirit, cause the true light of your face to bring many prodigal sons and daughters home this season.
      4. O Lord, we break off any intruding darkness attempting to oppress us or those around us. Cause the light and the power of the Word to manifest in and through us, to shift atmospheres.
      5. During this season, may the body of Christ experience a deeper knowledge and understanding of Jesus, the Light of the World.



      Wednesday 6th December

      United Kingdom

      “Arise shine, for your light has come! The glory of the Lord is risen upon you.[2] For behold, the darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you”. [Isaiah 60:1-2] 


      1. We decree the word over UK believers to arise, shine and take their positions to disciple and influence those around them.
      2. We command disunity, division, and confusion to be broken and we call forth the building and strengthening of purpose and destiny in the UK.
      3. As UK believers step out in faith and boldness, may they become moving containers of the glory of God for all to see.  
      4. Today, we declare that as we step into dark and difficult places, the glory of God on us will give light to those who need the right solution.  
      5. We decree an end to darkness in communities around West London and the City of London and command several pockets of light to shine.


      Thursday 7th December

      The sun shall no longer be your light by day nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you BUT the Lord will be to you an everlasting light [Isaiah 60:20]


      1. We thank the Lord for giving us the temporary blessing of the sun and moon on earth, but we look forward to the day when Christ will be our forever Light.
      2. Show us how to experience walking in the light of your love and wisdom.
      3. We give up all rights to the work of the flesh and decree the Kingdom’s power and authority over us.
      4. Help us to fix our eyes and balance our understanding of the present Kingdom and the coming millennium with Jesus’ rule and reign.
      5. Lord, help us to be faithful to the end as we continue working out our salvation in the Holy Spirit.


      Friday 8th December


      “Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. [28] And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” [John 10:22-30]


      1. As the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) begins this evening in the Jewish/Israeli community for the next 7 days, we decree that they will encounter the revelation of Jesus Christ, as the Jewish Messiah who is the light and Saviour of the world.
      2. Father, we pray for the Shekinah glory of God in Jesus Christ to manifest to Jews and Palestinians during this period.
      3. Lord, we pray for the UK Jewish/Israeli community who feel alone due to the current war situation. May the Light of the season (Jesus) the true and eternal light engulf their darkness and give hope.
      4. We declare the Word of God (Jesus) over the UK Palestinian/Arab community. Let the truth of Jesus the light, redeemer and creator of the world be revealed to them through dreams and visions.
      5. Lord, strengthen the Arab believers in their commitment to Jesus. we ask for supernatural encounters for both communities during the next 7 days of Hanukkah.



      Saturday 9th December

      West London

      “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined”. [Isaiah 9:2]


      1. Lord, we thank you for the light shone in West London from ages past and continues to shine. We pray for a greater dimension of your light, hope, and joy in this season.
      2. We pray that the different people groups will personally encounter Jesus this season and beyond.
      3. We call forth those whom you’ve appointed to know the light, let every distraction be eliminated and cause destiny helpers to show them the way to the light at the right time.
      4. We pray for an awareness of God’s presence over West London people, schools, businesses, and governmental officials.
      5. Let prayer altars be established in homes, schools, and businesses around West London towns.


      Sunday 10th December


      “I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth”. [Isaiah 49:6b]


      1. Jesus as the light for the Nations. As we celebrate this season of Hanukkah and Christmas in our Nation, may other Nations who live amongst us be drawn to the glory of the Light and be saved.
      2. Abba, Israel’s call is to be a light to the Nations as they walk in light. We ask forgiveness in the lack of understanding of their identity and declare that there will be a return to the Lord so that Nations can be blessed through their obedience.
      3. O Lord, the body of Christ is the light in our Nations. We pray that as we step into our busy world today, may the light we carry draw others to us and seek the source of the Light.
      4. Lord, we command every darkness that threatens to extinguish your light in the body of Christ will be consumed by fire.
      5. We declare that as Nations walk in the Light and His ways, they will enter the covenant of blessing to prosper and see growth in all areas of economy, technology, farming, for all people.



      Monday 11th December


      “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John [14] you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth” (Luke 1:13-14)


      1. In this season of light, we decree that the Lord will hear the prayers of many saints and cause them to be joyful.
      2. We pray that many messengers of the Lord will be released spiritually and physically on earth during this joyful season.
      3. We decree by the Spirit of the Lord it will be a time of pregnancy for some and delivery for others so that the purposes of God may be fulfilled for this generation.
      4. We declare that the long-awaited promise(s) of God will culminate in total joy and gladness of heart.
      5. We declare that this season of light will bring an end to barrenness and marked with rejoicing in the Lord for his faithfulness.


      Tuesday 12th December

      Favour with God

      “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will call his name JESUS. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most-High” [Luke 1:31-32]


      1. In the season of joy and the prophetic word, we pray for supernatural faith and understanding to carry the revelations of the Spirit of God.
      2. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bring depth in our understanding of the Word and Spirit.
      3. Holy Spirit, cause us to be the one who carries the favour of God to understand prophetic revelation and timing.
      4. Lord, cause us to become spiritually pregnant with your vision or naturally with a child.
      5. We pray that as we enjoy favour with the Lord, we shall bear much fruit leading others to the light and Kingdom.


      Wednesday 13th December

      City of London

      “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David”! [Luke 2:10]


      1. Abba, thank you for the fulfilment of the prophecy which foretold the birth of Jesus.
      2. Today, may the City of London be blessed with supernatural encounters leading to the new birth of Christ in the heart of those who are not looking for Him.
      3. We declare to those in our neighbourhoods who are in a dark place of suicidal ideation, depression, isolation, discouraged and/or emotional and mental trauma, the Peace of God be upon them. May Jesus Christ, the good news and Messiah burst forth and light up every darkness.
      4. We pray that the marketplaces in West London will become revival centres of love, peace, healing, joy, and the Presence of our God leading people to experience the power of Christ.                     


      Thursday 14th December

      Godly Influence

      Your greatest miracles of provision and influence in this city, Nation(s) are yet ahead of you. (David Peters to ECC, 2018)


      1. Lord, we thank you for this Word and humbly receive it as your will and purpose for us. Help us to position ourselves as we steward this word until it is fulfilled.
      2. Lord like the Sons of Issachar, we pray that we will not miss the timing of this word. Prepare each member of ECC with this prophetic word to be empowered with boldness and courage to access different levels of influence in this City and the UK, that you will now open.
      3. Lord, we pray for wisdom and courage for those whom you are preparing for the political and public domain, so that your influence can be seen in this City once again.
      4. Father according to your promise, let supernatural miracles of provision be released amongst us now for the building of the Kingdom of God.
      5. Lord as we seek your influence over everything we do, cause new plants of ministry to shoot up and new partnerships with others locally and abroad.  


      Friday 15th December

      “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall, I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid”? [Psalms 27:1]


      1. Holy Spirit help us to continually live in the Truth that we are loved, saved, and known by you.
      2. Lord may confidence in the Word of Truth empowers us to overcome every F.E.A.R (false evidence appearing real) that we may face.
      3. Lord, remove every weak mindset that causes us to disbelieve the Word of God and help us to feed daily on the scriptures.
      4. As we feed on the scriptures, let your light bring strength and hope to our weary souls.
      5. Lord, out of the fullness of your word in us, let our cup overflow in Spirit and Truth to those around us.


      Saturday 16th December


      “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure” [Philippians 2:13]


      1. We implore the Holy Spirit’s partnership in our lives to bring us into maturity and become more Christlike.
      2. Lord, help us to submit and align ourselves to the process of transformation in our walk with the Lord.
      3. We acknowledge the Spirit’s power and guidance in our lives causing us to be obedient in our walk with Christ.
      4. Deliver us from the spirit of religion, which causes us to deny the power of the gospel and do things in our own strength or without the Spirit.  
      5. Lord, cause us to be disciples whom the Lord is pleased with and able to disciple others.


      Sunday 17th December

      “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” [ Colossians 1:16]


      1. As we enter the beginning of this week, we declare it shall be a day and a week of change.
      2. Today, we ask the Preeminent Creator to step into our lives, communities, and Nation to introduce His change.
      3. We decree that there will be a total collapse and end to manifestations of darkness in and around our lives.
      4. We pray that fresh expressions of light will shine and triumph over and through us.
      5. Lord, we pray for Christ to be our delight.


      Monday 18th December  

      Spiritual Warfare

      “Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross [15] Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public show of them, triumphing over them in victory” [2 Colossians 2:14-15]


      1. We declare this is a day of change and we enforce the Cross’ victory in our lives as we stand in the Spirit against evil powers of legalism, philosophy, and different worldviews.
      2. Lord, we declare our faith will not fail as we rise up in the Spirit to overthrow oppressive mountains and situations by the Word of God.
      3. We tear down wicked agendas against the Church in West London as we pray for divine intervention and mercy of God. Help us to be watchful and discerning of situations concerning the Kingdom of God.
      4. We raise a cry against wickedness in the UK and declare the Lord’s mercy and will to prevail.
      5. We stand against every conflict that would result in broken relationships.


      Tuesday 19th December


      “Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, ‘Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain’! And God granted what he asked” [1 Chronicles 4:10]


      1. As Jabez called upon the Lord, we too call upon God to enlarge our capacity for more of Him in this season.
      2. As we seek His heart and ways, may His hand provide all that is needed to accomplish the task.
      3. Lord, as we walk in obedience to Your will and ways, we declare the enemy is bound and restrained and has no place in us.
      4. Lord, as a community, we declare that we are entering a new season of increase and abundance.


      Wednesday 20th December


      “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving…..Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfil it” [Colossians 4: 2, 17]


      1. We pray for all leaders at every level of leadership, that they would always be God-minded and God-fearing.
      2. We pray that leaders would always walk in the power of the Spirit and be prayerful.
      3. We pray for Godly relationships, wisdom, and accountability to surround all leaders.
      4. We resist the enemy’s ploy to distract, divide, or disunite the purpose of God among leaders.
      5. LORD, let your voice dominate the lives of our leaders today and always.


      Thursday 21st December

      Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. [Colossians 3:1-2]


      1. Help us to understand that our choice to align or not with your Word will have consequences to our destinies.
      2. Help us to choose obedience to your instructions.
      3. Help us to walk in the Spirit and keep God’s word close to our hearts.
      4. We decree that the flesh will not overtake Spirit in our life, business, ministry, career, and Nation.
      5. We decree a change this week and declare Immanuel – God is with us and taking over.


      Friday 22nd December

      Young Adults

      “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” [1 Timothy 4:12]


      1. We declare our young adults and leaders will be led by the Spirit of the Lord. Cause them to be joyful in this season, as they grow in Godly character submitting to the Lord.
      2. Cause them to bear fruit of the Spirit in humility, love, joy, peace, patience and being teachable as they spend quality time knowing God.
      3. Cause their lives to be joyfully conformed to Christ’s likeness in surrender and faithful obedience.
      4. We decree your will be done in the lives of our young people. Cause them to be faithful and positive role models to their generation.
      5. Raise and position them to be influential ‘gatekeepers’ for Kingdom purposes.


      Saturday 23rd December


      “And your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children” [Isaiah 54:13]


      1. Thank you, Lord, for our children. We decree they will grow in the knowledge of God from an early age.
      2. We pray that our children will know the voice of God and be open when He speaks.
      3. May parents find more creative and natural ways to involve their children in ministering to the Lord when at home.
      4. We declare that our children will grow in wisdom and obedience to the Lord.
      5. Cause our children to know great peace as they walk and have confidence in the Lord.


      Sunday 24th December


      …and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. [1 Thessalonians 1:9b-10]


      1. Today, we declare many will come into the light of God’s kingdom from darkness and chaos.
      2. There will be an aligning with God to become men and women after His Heart and His ways.
      3. We decree an end to cycles of darkness in our lives and Nation. Different expressions of revelation will triumph this week.
      4. May each of us (the people of God), make an intentional decision to receive the Word of God today and act on it without fear or doubt.
      5. May we choose to walk in unconditional love towards those around us, as we have received from Abba.


      Monday 25th December


      “So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our lives, because you have become dear to us”. [1 Thessalonians 2:8]


      1. Just as the birth of Christ takes away our burdens and afflictions, we pray that burdens and hindrances will be lifted from people in spiritual and practical ways.
      2. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, help us to be inconvenienced so that others may be comforted or to make room for those who have no room.
      3. Help us to be sacrificial in giving ourselves to the Lord and walk in love towards others.
      4. Cause us to be a deliverer from bondage and hardship.  


      Tuesday 26th December


      “And they will call him Immanuel which means God is with us.” [Matthew 1:23/Isaiah 7:14]


      1. God is with us, as the scripture says. We ask the Holy Spirit to give us hearts that believe this truth.
      2. Deliver us from a negative spirit and victim mentality that refutes the truth of God being with us. Give us revived minds as we seek to know You more intimately.
      3. Help us to rejoice in the truth that Immanuel – is with us by His Spirit.
      4. Lord, as we pray in the confidence of your Presence, may God arise to reveal Himself as we cry out to Him in whatever situations we face.
      5. As God gave Queen Esther victory over the enemy of her people, we too decree that today shall be the end of those around us with a rebellious spirt and exalt the humble.


      Wednesday 27th December

      Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion, put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem. The holy city!…..[2] Shake yourself from the dust, arise, ……Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck” [Isaiah 51:1-2]


      1. Thanks be to God for the grace to come into the last week of 2023.
      2. We pray that this will be a week of salvation of new believers into the Kingdom and deliverance from diverse trials and troubles for those who are already in the faith.
      3. We pray against the spirit of death, harm, loss, and destruction of lives in this season.
      4. We decree in the season of the birth of Messiah, the church in the Nations will be awakened, delivered, and positioned to overcome fear, doubt, and unbelief.
      5. We the church, release the blessing of light, life, joy, goodness, shalom and strength over the people in our communities today.


      Thursday 28th December

      “Rejoice always [17] Pray without ceasing [18] In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you [19] Do not quench the Spirit [20] Do not despise prophecies.[21] Test all things; hold fast to what is good [22] Abstain from every form of evil.” [1 Thessalonians 5:16-22]


      1. Abba, help us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and always quick to respond to Him.
      2. We pray for the Spirit of Prayer to empower us in how to pray effectively.
      3. Help us to desire and create room for the prophetic voice of the Lord in our midst and respond to it.
      4. We pray for the Spirit of discernment to accurately discern both spiritual realities.
      5. We pray that all believers will be led by the fear of the Lord.


      Friday 29th December

      “That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” [2 Thessalonians 1:12]


      1. Lord, help the church to grow in Godliness through faithful intercession for other believers.
      2. Cause believers to mature by enduring various trials and pressure through faith and hope.
      3. We pray for the global body of Messiah that they will fulfil God’s purpose for them.
      4. We pray for the UK prayer and mission movement. Cause there to be Oneness between them as it exists within the Godhead.


      Saturday 30th December


      ”…….. that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you.”            [ 2 Thessalonians 3:1]


      1. We pray for evangelistic opportunities for the word of God to be shared either in public or on a personal level.
      2. We pray that a renewed commitment to missions will take hold of the church once again.
      3. O Lord establish “gospel communities” among the indigenous in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and Africa.
      4. We raise up intercession for the Lord’s mission on the Isaiah 19 Highway of nations.
      5. We thank the Lord for all He is going to do to bring in the harvest.


      Sunday 31st December


      “Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God”. [Revelations 21:3]


      1. Abba, thank you for bringing us through to the end of the year.
      2. Today is the end of the year and beginning of the week. We declare an end to all rebelliousness and lawlessness. A new beginning of restoration, love, and life in the Spirit.
      3. We invite the Lord to take priority in our lives.
      4. We offer our lives in worship to the Lord as a living sacrifice.
      5. We commit our lives as a “dwelling place” for the Lord and our hearts an altar to Him.









































          24 HOUR PRAYER Room

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          24 Hour Prayer Centre

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          266-268 Northfield, Avenue, Ealing, London, W5 4UB

          Ealing Christian Centre, an Elim Pentecostal Church. © ELIM Foursquare Gospel Alliance. Registered charity 251549 (England & Wales) and SC037754 (Scotland).